
Vietnam War Timeline

  • Vietnam Takes Over the French

    Vietnam Takes Over the French
    Vietnam army captures the Franch in Dien Bien Phu. The French commander orders his troops to cease fire. The battle went on for 55 days. Thousands were killed and the Vietnamese victory shattered France's chhances to continue the war.
  • Group 559 is Formed

    Group 559 is Formed
    Group 559 is formed to create a supply route from North Vietnam to Vietcong forces in South Vietnam.
  • America's First Combat Misson Against the Vietcong

    America's First Combat Misson Against the Vietcong
    American choppers flown by U.S Army pilots cause South Vietnamese soldiers to sweep a NLF stronghold near Saigon.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is Passed

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is Passed
    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is Passed. This gives President Lyndon B. Johnson to take whatever actions that are necessary to defend southeast Asia.
  • Qui Nonh Bomb

    Qui Nonh Bomb
    The Vietcong places a bomb in a hotel in Qui Nonh and it kills 23 U.S servicemen.
  • General William Westmoreland Launches

    General William Westmoreland Launches
    William Westmoreland launches the first offensive operation by American ground forces in Vietnam, sweeping into NLF territory just northwest of Saigon.
  • Operation Birmingham Begins

    Operation Birmingham Begins
    In Operation Birmingham U.S. troops, backed by huge numbers of helicopters and armored vehicles, sweep the area around north of Saigon. Only 100 Vietcong were killed though.
  • Operation Ceder Falls Begins

    Operation Ceder Falls Begins
    This was intended to drive Vietcong forces from the Iron Triangle, a 60 square mile area lying between the Saigon River and Route 13.
  • Nixon Takes Ofiice

    Nixon Takes Ofiice
    Richard Nixon is swarn in as 37th President of the United Sates of America
  • Peace Talks Break Down

    Peace Talks Break Down
    In Paris, peace talks between the North Vietnamese and the Americans breakdown.
  • Peace Talks Resume

    Peace Talks Resume
    North Vietnam and the United States resume peace talks in Paris.
  • Cease Fire Singhed

    Cease Fire Singhed
    All Vietnam warring parties sign a Cease Fire document.
  • Richard Nixon Resigns

    Richard Nixon Resigns
    Pesident Richard Nixon Resigns as 37th President of the United Staes. Gerald Ford is swarn in as the 38th President.
  • NVA Captures Phuoc Long City

    NVA Captures Phuoc Long City
    The NVA captures Phuoc Long City and the surrounding province.
  • Massive Aiflift

    Massive Aiflift
    U.S. Marines and Air Force helicopters, flying from carriers off-shore, begin a massive airlift.