War poster 1

Vietnam War Timeline

  • To be Communist or not to be Communist...

     To be Communist or not to be Communist...
    As far back as 1954, after the country of Vietnam had fought for its independence from France, the country had been experencing a politcal/power struggle. The country was split into half; the northern half of Vietnam wanted to be a Communist country and the souther half wanted no part of it. Communism was seen as the root of all evil by Americans, so the government kept a close eye on the developing situation.
  • Economic Involvement

    During the Kennedy and part of the Johnson administration, the United Staes support South Vietnam, but only econimically. There were American bases in South Vietnam, but the troops stationed there were not active in the fighting. There were about 17,000 Americans there before the U.S. got involved.
  • Coincedental assassination, or conspiracy?

    Coincedental assassination, or conspiracy?
    President Kennedy was assassinated on Friday, November 22nd, 1963 in Dallas Texas. He was shot by sniper Lee Harvey Oswald with his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy next to him in a moving car. He left behind two children and a wife; vice-president Lyndon B. Johnson took office soon after.
  • Johnson claims attack, we enter war.

    In 1964, President Johnson relased a statement saying that North Vietnam had attacked one of the U.S. bases stationed in South Vietnam. Few days later, the president declared war on North Vietnam and the U.S. enters the Vietnam War.
  • Killed out of jealousy

    Killed out of jealousy
    Malcolm Little, or commanly know as Malcolm X, was assassinated by 2 Nation of Islam brothers in New York while deliverying a speech. He was targeted after leaving the Nation. His body had 21 bullets in it from a double-barreled sawed-offed shot gun.
  • Unecessary Deaths

    By the end of 1965:
    - TIV: 184,300
    - KIA: 1,363
    - WIA: 7,645
  • Get 'em from the air!

    A common American war tactic was air strikes/raids. Sound familiar? If so, then you should recall that similiar tactics were usedduring WW2
  • Young people continue to lose their lives because of the nation's pride

    By the end of 1967:
    - KIV: 485,600
    - KIA: 1,602
    - WIA: 99,762
  • The death of a leader.

    The death of a leader.
    Martin Luther King, Jr., a prominate Civil Rights leader, was assassinated on a hotel balcony in Memphis, Tenneesee. He was assassinated by sniper James Earl Ray who is still serving time in prison for the murder.
  • A new cowboy in town.

    Richard Nixon becomes president after Johnson refuses another term; and gains a 2nd term in 1972.
  • Blood continues to be shed for a cause that has nothing to do with us.

    By the end of 1968:
    -TIV: 536,100
    - KIA: 30,160
    - WIA: 192,850
  • Musical distractions.

    To divert attention away from the troubles of the war, sex, drugs, and music provided that gate-way. The Woodstock music festival, one of the greatest musical concerts in American history, was held in White Lake, New York. The festival was a 3 day getway from the troubles of the world.
  • Why are people continuing to die, when we have our own problems a home?

    By the end of 1969:
    - TIV: 475,200
    - KIA: 40,024
    - WIA: 262, 796
  • Protest to be killed.

    Many young college students were outraged by the war; many help protest to speak out against the war. Some protests even turned violent, such as the the student killed by National Guardsmen in Ohio at Kent State (4).
  • 15 years of violence and death finally comes to an end.

    After 15 years of battle, the longest war in American history was finally over. Vietnam would become the only war ever lostby the U.S. President Nixon signed the treaty.