Vietnam War Timeline

  • First American killed

    First American killed
    Lt. Peter Dewey is the first American killed in Vietnam.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

  • First Rally

    First Rally
    Twelve students at a New York rally burn their draft cards and coin the slogan "We won't go!"
  • U.S. Congress Approves

    U.S. Congress Approves
    The U.S. Congress approves the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
  • New Law

    New Law
    Draft-card burning is made a crime punishable by five years in prison.
  • 27,500 Called

    27,500 Called
    The Selective Service calls 27,500 . . . more than in any other month since 1953.
  • 40,200 Called

    40,200 Called
    The Selective Service monthly call escalates to 40,200.
  • First Convicted by New Law

    First Convicted by New Law
    David Mitchell becomes the first person convicted for draft-card burning.
  • Twelve Arrested

    Twelve Arrested
    Twelve black demonstrators are arrested at a sit-in at the Atlanta induction center; most are sentenced to three years in prison.
  • 1500 Draft Cards Burned

    1500 Draft Cards Burned
    1500 draft cards are burned or returned.
  • Boy Indicted

    Boy Indicted
    Beach Boy Carl Wilson is indicted for failing to report for induction.
  • Muhammad Sentenced

    Muhammad Sentenced
    Muhammad Ali is sentenced to five years in prison for refusing induction.
  • Another New Law

    Another New Law
    A new draft law is passed; graduate student deferments are ended.
  • Stop the Draft Week

    Stop the Draft Week
    Stop the Draft Week: two thousand draft cards are turned in; a national resistance organized is formed.
  • 123 Arrested

    123 Arrested
    Joe Baez and 122 others are arrested at the Oakland, California, induction center.
  • Draft Files Destroyed

    Draft Files Destroyed
    The Baltimore Four destroy draft files.
  • 300 Arrested

    300 Arrested
    300 people are arrested at anti-draft demonstrations in New York.
  • More Men

    More Men
    General Westmoreland requests 206,000 men in addiction to the current force of 510,000- a 40 percent increase.
  • Presidential Announcement

    Presidential Announcement
    Lyndon Johnson announces he will not seek reelection.
  • Paris Joins In

    Paris Joins In
    Vietnam peace talks begin in Paris.
  • 562 Americans Killed

    562 Americans Killed
    562 Americans are killed in Vietnam in a single week.
  • Catonsville Nine

    Catonsville Nine
    The Catonsville Nine (The Berrigan brothers and seven others) burn 378 draft records with homemade napalm in Catonsville, Maryland.
  • Kennedy Assassinated

    Kennedy Assassinated
    Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated in Los Angeles.
  • Benjamin Spock Convicted

    Benjamin Spock Convicted
    Dr. Benjamin Spock is convicted of conspiracy to counsel draft evaders and violation of the Universal Military Training and Service Act.
  • Convention Disruption

    Convention Disruption
    The Democratic National Convention in Chicago is disrupted by rioting; Hubert Humphrey becomes the Democratic nominee; Richard Nixon becomes the Republican nominee at the Republican convention in Miami.
  • Milwaukee Fourteen

    Milwaukee Fourteen
    The Milwaukee Fourteen destroy 10,000 draft records.
  • New President

    New President
    Richard Nixon is elected President.
  • Draft Lottery

    Draft Lottery
    The first draft lottery is drawn for 1970.
  • Underground Hiding

    Underground Hiding
    Fathers Daniel and Philip Berrigan go underground after destroying draft records.
  • Deferments Ended

    Deferments Ended
    Dependency deferments are ended by Nixon executive order.
  • Invasion

    The U.S. invades Cambodia.
  • National Guard Opens Fire

    National Guard Opens Fire
    The National Guard opens fire on students at an anti-war demonstration at Kent State University in Ohio, killing four and wounding thirteen.
  • Amnesty Hearings Begin

    Amnesty Hearings Begin
    Senator Edward Kennedy begins amnesty hearings for draft offenders.
  • Last Induction

    Last Induction
    The last induction takes place.
  • Clemency Program

    Clemency Program
    President Geral Ford announces a clemency program: conditional amnesty in exchange for two years' alternative service.
  • Registration Ended

    Registration Ended
    Draft registration is ended.
  • Blanket Pardon

    Blanket Pardon
    President Jimmy Carter issues a blanket pardon for draft resisters.
  • Draft Reinstated

    Draft Reinstated
    Draft registration is reinstated.