Vietnam War timeline

  • Eisenhower's domino theory

    Eisenhower theorizes the fall of Asian countries and a spread of communism in the area
  • Vietcong Begins attacks on the Diem government

    The Vietcong started to engage in regular gunfire
  • SDS was founded

    An American student led group against the Vietnam war
  • Gulf of Tonkin indecent

    Two unexpected attacks by North Vietnamese torpedo boats at US boats
  • Gulf of Tonkin resolution

    The beginning of US involvement during the Vietnam war
  • Period: to

    Operation rolling thunder

    Americas bombing campaign in North Vietnam to defeat them
  • Period: to

    Tet offensive

    Coordinated North Vietnamese attacks on South Vietnam. A turning point in the war
  • My Lai massacre

    American soldiers killing over 500 innocent Vietnamese men woman, and children
  • Period: to

    Invasion of Cambodia by USA

    The invasion was to stall North Vietnamese attacks on the south
  • Kent State shooting

    4 Students were killed and 9 were injured as non violent protest against the war in Vietnam
  • Pentagon Papers

    A secret government study that was partially leaked to the press
  • Nixon wins presidential election

    Richard Nixon defeated George McGovern to win the 1972 election
  • Paris peace accord is signed

    United Stares, South Vietnam, North Vietnam and the Vietcong agreed to ending the war in Vietnam
  • US withdraws from Vietnam

    US brings home remaining troops still in Vietnam
  • Fall of Saigon

    North Vietnamese capturing of Saigon (Capital of South Vietnam)