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Vietnam War

  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    This was a conference held to settle the existing issues related to the Korean war.
  • Assassination of Diem

    Assassination of Diem
    Ngo Dinh Diem was the prime minister and then became president of South Vietnam until he was assassinated by North Vietnam.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    This was the solution made which allowed president Johnson to take any measure he believed was necessary to retaliate.
  • LBJ and First troops in Vietnam

    LBJ and First troops in Vietnam
    On March 8, 1965 LBJ had sent the first troops into Vietnam which marks the start of Americas assistance in the war.
  • Nixons Christmas Bombing

    Nixons Christmas Bombing
    President Nixon launched a surprise bombing on the city of Hanoi on Christmas as a result of them keeping their POW in that city, with the name of operation rolling thunder.
  • Tet Offensives

    Tet Offensives
    This was one of the largest uprising and military campaigns and it is also called general offensive, it also weakened Americas public support of the war.
  • Mai Lai Massacre

    Mai Lai Massacre
    This is the reasons US troops got hate when they came home and this was the murder of unarmed South Vietnamese men, women, and children.
  • Nixon’s Vietnamization policy

    Nixon’s Vietnamization policy
    Responding to a Communist attempt to take Cambodia, Nixon announced a large scale US–ARVN incursion into Cambodia to directly hit the PAVN headquarters and supply dumps; the area bordered ARVN III Corps tactical zone.
  • Nixon becomes president

    Nixon becomes president
    This is significant because president Nixon created the Vietnamization, which helped the vietnamese learn how to fight.
  • Nixon ordered troops to Cambodia

    Nixon ordered troops to Cambodia
    Nixon announced his decision to launch American forces into Cambodia with the special objective of capturing COSVN, "the headquarters of the entire communist military operation in South Vietnam."
  • Hard Hat Riot

    Hard Hat Riot
    This was the riot that the middle class "silent majority" had put on because they were tired of all of the students and others who were striking against the war and to bring troops home. It consisted of 400 construction and 800 office workers.
  • Nixon Goes to China

    Nixon Goes to China
    President Nixon had went to China to create more relations with them after years of diplomatic isolation. He also wanted to get closer to the Soviet Union and try to change communist china.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    This officially titled the end of the Vietnam war and allowed them to start restoring peace.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon Resigns
    President Nixon resigns because he said he could not handle the stress of being president with the war going on, and it was bad for his health.
  • Saigon Falls

    Saigon Falls
    This is the date that the South Vietnamese stronghold had been taken over and fallen to the vietcong.