Tonkin Gulf Resolution
After a hefty fight between North Vietnam and the U.S., the Tonkin Gulf Resolution gave a good amount of military power to President Johnson without having to declare war. -
Tet Offensive
80,000 Vietcong troops emerged from the underground tunnels and attacked big cities in South Vietnam. -
My Lai Massacre
In 1968, American soldiers opened fire on hundreds of women and children. General William L. Calley Jr. was charged for murder but it was overturned which made citizens mad. -
President Nixon's plan was to slowly withdraw U.S. troops from Vietnam and hand the fighting over to the Army of Republic of Vietnam. South Vietnam would end up fighting for themselves. -
Kent State Massacre
Students protested that the war was expanding, not ending. The National Guard was sent but ended up killing four students and wounded many others. -
Pentagon Papers
The Pentagon papers was a top secret overview of the history of government involvement in Vietnam. Daniel Ellsberg was the author and creator of the papers. -
War Powers Act
This act required the president to inform congress within 48 hours of sending forces into a hostile area without declaration of war. Troops can only stay for 3 months unless congress/president declares war.