vietnam war

  • 1917

    Communist revolution at the end of World War 1 in Russia
  • 1945

    End of WW2; North Korea becomes Communist; Russia and western powers begin dividing Germany along ideological lines
  • 1948

    Malayan Emergency
  • 1949

    China becomes communist
    East Germany becomes communist
  • 1950

    Korean War- Communist North invades Non-Communist south
    Communist Party Dissolution Bill 1950
  • 1951

    Australia signs ANZUS Treaty
    Referendum to ban the Communist Party of Australia
  • 1953

    End of Korean War- Korea divided
  • 1954

    Australia signs SEATO Treaty
    Petrov Affair
  • 1955

    Australia defence forces commited to Malaya
    Menzies Liberal government wins federal election
  • 1959

    Cuba becomes communist
  • 1961

    Berlin wall is raised
  • 1962

    Australia sends 30 military advisers to Vietnam
    Cuban missile crisis
  • 1963

    US President John F. Kennedy assassinated
  • 1965

    Australia commits troops to the Vietnam War
  • 1972

    The White Australia Policy is dismantled, clearing the way for Vietnamese refugees to be accepted into Australia
  • 1975

    The last Australian troops are withdrawn from the Vietnam War; Vietnam becomes communist
  • 1989

    Berlin wall is opened and finally brought down in 1992
  • 1991

    Soviet Union is dissolved; Cold War ends