Vietnam War

  • Dien Bien Phu is over run by Vietnam

  • Eisenhower explains his domino theory

  • Ngo Dienh Diem refuses to take part ine election

  • Geneva Accord signed

  • Vietcong begins attack on Diem government

  • SDS founded

  • U.S. supported coup of Diem

  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

  • operation Rolling thunder begins

  • U.S. troops increase to 50,000

  • U.S. troops level incresed to 180,000

  • U.S. troops level incresed to 500,000

  • Americas involvement in Vietnam begins

  • Period: to

    Tet offensive

  • My Lai Massacre

  • Johnson announces he will not run for relection

  • Protest at democtaic convention

  • Nixon wins the election

  • Period: to

    Woodstock festival

  • Period: to

    Invasion of Cambodia

  • Fall of saigon

  • Kent State students shot