Dien Bien Phu is over run by Vietnam
Eisenhower explains his domino theory
Ngo Dienh Diem refuses to take part ine election
Geneva Accord signed
Vietcong begins attack on Diem government
SDS founded
U.S. supported coup of Diem
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
operation Rolling thunder begins
U.S. troops increase to 50,000
U.S. troops level incresed to 180,000
U.S. troops level incresed to 500,000
Americas involvement in Vietnam begins
Period: to
Tet offensive
My Lai Massacre
Johnson announces he will not run for relection
Protest at democtaic convention
Nixon wins the election
Period: to
Woodstock festival
Period: to
Invasion of Cambodia
Fall of saigon
Kent State students shot