Vietnam War

  • Domino Theory coined

    President Dwight D. Eisenhower made the Domino theory, it is a Cold War policy that suggested a communist government in one nation would quickly lead to communist takeovers in neighboring states, each falling like a row of Domino's.
  • Geneva Accords

    establishes a ceasefire in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, officially ending the First Indochina War. In conclusion Vietnam would be temporarily divided at the 17th parallel.
  • Assassination of Diem

    Assassination of Diem
    Assassinated in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
    President of South Vietnam
    He and His Brothers were all captured and killed by a group of soldiers. Lead to political chaos in the nation.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    States that "congress approves and supports the determination of the President, as Commander in Chief, to take all necessary measures to repeal any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent any further aggression." <National Archive>Tonkin Gulf Resolution (1964)
  • LBJ ordered 1st troops to Vietnam

    “I guess we’ve got no choice, but it scares the death out of me. I think everybody’s going to think, ‘we’re landing the Marines, we’re off to battle." -LBJ
    On March 1965, 3,500 soldiers came to south Vietnam as the first combat troops the U.S. dispatched.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    A series of North Vietnamese surprise attacks in South Vietnam.
    A stunning propaganda victory for the communists.
    named after the name from the Vietnamese New Year holiday, during which the attacks occurred.
    1/31- 9/23
  • My Lai Massacre

    More than 500 people were slaughtered
    Women and and young girls were raped and mutilated before killed
    U.S. Army officers covered it up until it was released into the war of what happened
    The brutality of the My Lai massacre and the official cover-up fueled anti-war sentiment and further divided the United States over the Vietnam War.
    Sparking a firestorm of international outrage. <History> My Lai Massacre
  • Nixon’s Vietnamization policy

    building up South Vietnam's armed forces and withdrawing U.S. troops, in other words saying that the combat roles were transferred to South Vietnamese troops. Allowing the gradual withdrawing from the US troops from south vietnam.
  • Nixon sends troops into Cambodia

    the results were a firestorm of protests and gave the antiwar movement a new rallying point.
    Sending the troops in to Cambodia triggered a check on presidential power.
    They went over to Cambodia to disrupt the north Vietnamese supply lines.
  • Kent State shooting

    Kent State shooting
    known as the May 4 massacre, members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing 4 unarmed university students.
  • Hard Hat Riot

    Hard Hat Riot
    Happened in New York City, construction workers stormed a student protest against the Vietnam War and chased both students and bystanders through the streets, beating and kicking them. <Archives>The Hard Hat Riots
  • Nixon’s Christmas bombing

    Nixon’s Christmas bombing
    Operation Linebacker ll, Aerial bombing campaign.
    Nearly two weeks, American bombers pounded North Vietnam.
    North Vietnam claimed that over 1,600 civilians were killed. <History>Nixon announces start of “Christmas Bombing” of North Vietnam
  • Paris Peace Accords

    -The withdrawal of all U.S. and allied forces within sixty days.
    -The return of prisoners of war parallel to the above.
    -The clearing of mines from North Vietnamese ports by the U.S.
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    -Limit the U.S. president’s ability to initiate or escalate military actions abroad.
    -requires that presidents notify Congress after deploying the armed forces and limits how long units can remain engaged without congressional approval.
  • Saigon Falls

    Saigon Falls
    3/4-4/30 1975
    North Vietnamese troops captured Saigon, and the city was renamed Ho Chi Minh City. After Ho Chi Minh Vietnamese Communist revolutionary leader.
    Britannica<Fall of Saigon