Vietnam War

By Truett
  • Eisenhower Domino Theory

    Eisenhower Domino Theory
    Eisenhower uses the term ¨Domino Theory¨ to describe the communist conditions in Vietnam and Laos. He states that if one country falls to communism the rest will follow suit.
  • Thich Quang Duc

    Thich Quang Duc
    Thich Quang Duc was a Buddhist Monk who believed his rights were being taken away. In order to restore the rights of his family and friends he self-immolated on a busy street in Saigon.
  • Ngo Dinh Diem assasinated

    Ngo Dinh Diem assasinated
    The death of Diem caused political chaos in the nation and knowing South Vietnam was even more likely to fall to communism the US sent more troops. America was attempting to stabilize South Vietnam's government before communism could take over.
  • The Golf of Tonkin

    The Golf of Tonkin
    American ship Maddox attacked by three small Vietnamese boats. The Maddox badly damaged one Vietnamese boat and only took in one hit of its own.
  • LBJ Addresses Golf of Tonkin

    LBJ Addresses Golf of Tonkin
    Lyndon B. Johnson addresses the Gulf of Tonkin Incident saying that we were attacked and we had done nothing. Although the second attack never did happen he reported it as if it did.
  • The Golf of Tonkin

    The Golf of Tonkin
    American ships Maddox and Turner Joy report being attacked with 22 torpedos fired at them. President Johnson ordered airstrikes on Vietnamese boat bases and an oil storage depot.
  • Search And Destroy missions

    Search And Destroy missions
    Soldiers in an enemy controlled area would locate bases or tracks and set up anti-personnel mines or ambushes. Waged who won based on body counts instead of territory.
  • US deaths increase

    US deaths increase
    US deaths increase in the year 1965. The sharp spike in deaths was a result of S&D missions and Vietcong ambushes, raids and bombings.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    US started bombing runs targeting military bases, muniton dumps, fuel storage depots, roads and buildings. The attacks were run in an attempt to halt Vietcong progress.
  • Operation Flaming Dart

    Operation Flaming Dart
    After being attacked by Viet Cong forces LBJ ordered bombings on North Vietnam. Targeted North Vietnamese army bases destroying 16 vehicles
  • Operation Starlite

    Operation Starlite
    First major offensive action where two US regiments met two North Vietnamese regiments. Approximately 1,500 NVA(North Vietnam Army) soldiers were killed and 250 American forces were killed.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Coordinated attacks on over 100 cities and towns in South Vietnam. Were performed to cause rebelling against in South Vietnam so the US would withdraw troops.