Vietnam War

  • Vietnam became independent

    Vietnam became independent
    Ho Chi Minh’s forces took the capital of Hanoi and declared Vietnam to become an independent country being the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
  • Diem took control of South Vietnamese government

    Diem took control of South Vietnamese government
    Diem took control of the South Vietnamese government , declared the Republic of Vietnam, and canceled elections that had been scheduled for 1956.
  • Small movements opposing the war occured

    Small movements opposing the war occured
    Wthin certain parts of the Unties States, small movements took place invloving the disproval of the war especially on some college campuses.
  • North Vietnam attacked U.S. ships

    North Vietnam attacked U.S. ships
    The North allegedly bombed U.S. navy ships off the Gulf of Tonkin.
  • United States landed in South Vietnam.

    United States landed in  South Vietnam.
    The United Staes Marines had become the first American combat troops to land in South Vietnam.
  • Operation Starlite occured

    Operation Starlite occured
    Operation Starlite was the first major battle of the war. 5,500 US Marines destroyed a Viet Cong stronghold on the Van Tuong peninsula in Quang Ngai Province.
  • A campain called the Tet Offensive launched

    A campain called the Tet Offensive launched
    The North Vienamese Army and the Viet Cong created the Tet Offensive attacking about thirty U.S. targets and South Vietnamese cities.
  • Peace negotiations took place

    Peace negotiations took place
    Henry Kissinger and North Vietanamese representative Xuan Thuy had held secret peace negotiations to the apartment of French intermediary Jean Sainteny in Paris. These negotiations had later failed.
  • South Vietnamese troops invaded Lous

    South Vietnamese troops invaded Lous
    With support and backup from the United States, South Vietnam had invaded Lous, soon making Australia and New Zealand withdraw their troops from Vietnam.
  • U.S. bombed North Vietnam

    U.S. bombed North Vietnam
    The United States heavily bombed North Vietnam somewhat relating to the peace negotiations before this.
  • U.S, ended involment with the war

    U.S, ended involment with the war
    Accords were signed that ended involment with U.S and the war.
  • South Vietnam's capital fell to the North

    South Vietnam's capital fell to the North
    Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese. They then reunited the country making it communist and ending the war.