President Eisenhower creates term "Domino Theory" of Southeast Asia
After the French were defeated by theVietminh at Dienbiehphu, Eisenhower stated that a row of dominoes are now set up and when the first one falls the last one will go down quickly. -
Beginning of the Geneva Convention
Delagates from 9 nations negotiated in Geneva that led to ending hostility in Indonesia. -
South Vietnam Communist Insurgency
Beginning of communist activity in South Vietnam. Over 400 S. Vietnamese officials were assasinated. -
Killings of U.S. Servicemen
The first United States Americans to de in the Vietnam War wer Major Dale R. Buis and Master Sargeant Chester M. Ornanel by gurrilla stike. -
Kennedy as U.S. President
Kennedy is Elected President -
Formation of the Vietcong
National liberation front for South Vietnam was fomed by Hanoi. There were called the "Vietcong". -
Kienhoa Province
South Vietnamese troops defeat the Kienhoa Province by utilizing 400 Guerrilla attack. -
President Kennedy Assassination
Meant that the Vietnam War issues were now in Lyndon Johnson's hands. -
Lyndon Johnson as President
Held position that he wanted to de-escalate the U.S. involvement in the war. -
Rolling Thunder Operation
American bomb raids in North Vietnam. Lasted for almost three years. -
Operation Cedar Falls
16,000 U.S. and 14,000 S.V troops set out to destroy Vietcong operations. -
Richard Nixon Elected as President
Nixon creates a secret bombing in Cambodia in 1969. -
Heavy Bombing
Nixon makes orders to heavily bomb Hanoi and Haiphong. -
Gerald Ford Presidency
Ford announced that the war is finalized , concerning the United States anyways. -
Ho Chi Minh Trail
Group 559 of North Vietnam infiltrated weapons into outh Vietnam along the Ho Chi Hinh Trail.