
Vietnam War 1954-1980

  • President Eisenhower creates term "Domino Theory" of Southeast Asia

    President Eisenhower creates term "Domino Theory" of Southeast Asia
    After the French were defeated by theVietminh at Dienbiehphu, Eisenhower stated that a row of dominoes are now set up and when the first one falls the last one will go down quickly.
  • Beginning of the Geneva Convention

    Beginning of the Geneva Convention
    Delagates from 9 nations negotiated in Geneva that led to ending hostility in Indonesia.
  • South Vietnam Communist Insurgency

    South Vietnam Communist Insurgency
    Beginning of communist activity in South Vietnam. Over 400 S. Vietnamese officials were assasinated.
  • Killings of U.S. Servicemen

    Killings of U.S. Servicemen
    The first United States Americans to de in the Vietnam War wer Major Dale R. Buis and Master Sargeant Chester M. Ornanel by gurrilla stike.
  • Kennedy as U.S. President

    Kennedy as U.S. President
    Kennedy is Elected President
  • Formation of the Vietcong

    Formation of the Vietcong
    National liberation front for South Vietnam was fomed by Hanoi. There were called the "Vietcong".
  • Kienhoa Province

    Kienhoa Province
    South Vietnamese troops defeat the Kienhoa Province by utilizing 400 Guerrilla attack.
  • President Kennedy Assassination

    President Kennedy Assassination
    Meant that the Vietnam War issues were now in Lyndon Johnson's hands.
  • Lyndon Johnson as President

    Lyndon Johnson as President
    Held position that he wanted to de-escalate the U.S. involvement in the war.
  • Rolling Thunder Operation

    Rolling Thunder Operation
    American bomb raids in North Vietnam. Lasted for almost three years.
  • Operation Cedar Falls

    Operation Cedar Falls
    16,000 U.S. and 14,000 S.V troops set out to destroy Vietcong operations.
  • Richard Nixon Elected as President

    Richard Nixon Elected as President
    Nixon creates a secret bombing in Cambodia in 1969.
  • Heavy Bombing

    Heavy Bombing
    Nixon makes orders to heavily bomb Hanoi and Haiphong.
  • Gerald Ford Presidency

    Gerald Ford Presidency
    Ford announced that the war is finalized , concerning the United States anyways.
  • Ho Chi Minh Trail

    Ho Chi Minh Trail
    Group 559 of North Vietnam infiltrated weapons into outh Vietnam along the Ho Chi Hinh Trail.