The Domino Theory
President Eisenhower created the "domino theory' in 1954. This theory compared the countries that were being infulenced by communism to dominos lined up. Once one country becomes communist, it is innevitable that the rest will too. -
Tet Offensive
The Tet Offensive was a series of attacks by Viet Cong on more than 100 citis in South Vietnam. -
My Lai Massacre
American soldiers fired at hundred of women and childern. Between 300 and 500 women and children were killed. This was kept hidden from the world, but when the people found out, they were enraged. -
Johnson announces he will not run for re-election
LBJ withdrew from the presidential race of 1968 because so many people didn't support him or our involvement in the Vietnam War. -
Vietnamization is the idea that the U.S. would gradually withdraw troops from the fighting in Vietnam. -
Kent State Massacre
The Kent State Massacre was a protest against Nixon's expanison of the war. College students burned the ROTC buliding and many riots occured. The National Guard was sent to maintain order; four students were killed by the national guard and several were injured. -
The Pentagon Papers
The Pentagon Papers were tip secret overview of the history of the government's involvement in Vietnam. This outraged the people.