Vietnam war

Vietnam War

  • Geneva Conference

    Geneva Conference
    After Vietnam was divided into two parts the French left. The United States almost rushingly took full protection for the new government in the South.
  • Vietcong 514th Battalion

    Vietcong 514th Battalion
    Vietcong 514th Battalion and local guerrilla forces ambush the South Vietnamese. For the first time, the Vietcong stand their ground against American machinery. It didn't go so well, there were almost 400 South Vietnamese were either killed or wounded.
  • Tonkin Resolution

    Tonkin Resolution
    What Really Happened at Tonkin Gulf Caption of the U.S.S. Maddox reported that his vessle has been fired on and that an attack is imminent. He later said that no attack had taken place. The American jet bombed two naval bases and destoryed a huge oil plant.
  • Binh Gia

    Binh Gia
    Veitcong forced mount a series of different attacks across South Vietnam. Two hundred South Vietnamese troops were killed. This was a village by Saigon.
  • First Vietcong Regiment

    First Vietcong Regiment
    The Veitcong released that they were going to attack against the United States Marine Base at Chu Lai. The American Army launches Operation Starlite. This is the first major battle in the Vietnam War. The United States scores a resounding victory.
  • New Mission

    New Mission
    Code-named Operation Attleboro. 22,000 South Vietnamese troops began an aggressive search to destory and sweep through Tay Ninh Province.
  • End of 1966

    End of 1966
    American forces in Vietnam reach 385,000 men. They also got an additonal 60,000 sailors stationed offshore. There had been more than 6,000 Americans killed. 30,000 of them have been wounded.
  • Iron Triangle

    Iron Triangle
    The American forces began an Operation Cedar Falls. That was intended to drive Vietcong forces from the Iron Triangle. That was a 60 square mile area. There were nearly 16,000 U.S. troops trhat moved into the Iron Triangle. Over a 19 days span only 72 Americans were killed. Over 700 Vietcong troops are killed.
  • Operation Junction City

    Operation Junction City
    This was one of the largest air moblie assults ever. There were over 240 helicopters. The helicopters swept over Tay Ninh province. That began Operation Junction city.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The United States troops were in Vietnam for three years before the Tet Offensive. Most of the th fighting was small. It involved guerilla tactics.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    After three and a half years, Rolling Thunder came to an end. 800 troops and several piolts were either missing and or dead. Hundreds of them were also held in captivity. Almost 120 Vietnamese planes had been destroyed.
  • Artillery Attack

    Artillery Attack
    South Vietnam, they killed over 1,140 American troops. American artillery and all of the airpower was too overwhelming for the Vietcong offensive.
  • United State's Withdrawl

    United State's Withdrawl
    President Nixon met with the South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu. They met on Midway Island. They announced that 25,000 United State's troop were going to be withdrawn immediately.
  • Vietnamization

    President Nixon was cutting back on the troops of the Vietnam War. This is also when the U.S. Withdrawl of Troops happended also. Nixon wanted to maintain a strong American army.
  • Attack into Cambodia

    Attack into Cambodia
    South Vietnamese troops attacked into Cambodia. The operation in Cambodia lasted up to 60 days. They captured 28,500 weapons, as well as over 16 million rounds of small arm ammunition. The Vietcong manged to esacpe.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    Kent State University had a shooting. Four people were killed, and nine people were wounded. Some of the students that were shot, were protesting against the American Invasion of Cambodia.
  • Operation Lam Son

    Operation Lam Son
    South Vietnamese divideds into three divisions. They are planning to drive into Laos to attack the two major enemy bases. For an unknown reason they walked into North Vietnamese trap. Over the next few months more than 9,000 South Vietnamese troops are killed or wounded. More than 2/3 of their protection is destoryed.
  • 26th Amendment

    26th Amendment
    Everyone who is of the age of 18 years or older has the right to rote. No one shall be shot down. The liminted voting age is 18.
  • War Power Act

    War Power Act
    The War Powers Act was passed by congress when the U.S. withdrew from war. The president has permission to send troops to war zones. They needed a valid explanation for doing so for Congress after 48 hours.
  • South Korean Surrender

    South Korean Surrender
    The War was ended and they were Resorting Peace in Vietnam was signed. Prisoners of war were let go and both sides agreed to make it a political solution that would be the best for each side.