Vietnam War

  • US Pledges $15M to Aid French

    US sends 415 million dollars in military aid to french for war in indo china. In the aid package is a military mission and military advisors
  • War Cost

    US was paying roughly for 3/4 of France's war cost
  • Diem Urged to Negotiate with North

    Diem urged to negotiate with North,Britain France, US convertly urge diem to respect geneva accords and conduct discusiions with the north.
  • US Training South Vietnamese

    US military assistance advisor group assumes responsibility from french for training south vietnamese
  • Terrorist Bombings Rock Saigon

    Terrorist bombings rock saigon, 13 americans working for Maag and US information service are wounded in bombings in saigon
  • US Servicemen Killed in Guerilla Attack:

    US serviceme killed in guerilla attack Buis and Ounand became 1st americans to die in vietnam war vietnam war when guerillas strike at Bierrhoa
  • US Military Employs Agent Orange

    US air force begins using agent orange
  • Diem Overthrown, Murdered

    US overthrow diem and his brother are shot and killed in the after math
  • Vietcong Attack Bienhoa Air Base

    Vietcong began to attack bases at Pleiku they left 7 americans dead and more than 100 wounded.
  • US Troop Levels Top 200,000

    first American combat troops arrive in Vietnam to defend US airfield at Danang. 180,000 american combat troops were fighting in veitnam americans finally entered the war
  • Veterans Stage Anti-War Rally

    US will be monitoring South Vietnam's efforts to expand democracy and improve economic conditions for its citizens. 6700 americans soldiers had been killed.Discharge and separation papers are burned in protest of US involvement in Vietnam.
  • McNamara Calls Bombing Ineffective

    US bombing raids against North Vietnam have not achieved their objectives. March on pentagon takes plac blacks accounted for 20% of american combat deaths Mccarthy entered the candidacy against johnson
  • North Vietnamese Launch Tet Offensive

    American forces turn back the onslaught and recapture most areas. Tet is a huge defeat for the Communists, but turns out to be a political victory. Tet offensive students protest at democratic nation convention in chicago.
  • Battle for Hue

    Battle for Hue wages for 26 days as US and South Vietnamese forces try to recapture the site seized by the Communists during the Tet Offensive
  • Paris Peace Talks Begin

    North Vietnamese and American negotiators agree on a location and start date of peace talks. Talks are slated to begin in Paris on May 10 with W. Averell Harriman representing the United States
  • Nixon Begins Secret Bombing of Cambodia

    Nixon withdrawl of 25,000 soldiers
  • Policy of "Vietnamization" Announced:

    Secretary of Defense describes a policy of "Vietnamization" a role for the US military in Vietnam. The objective of it is to shift the burden of defeating the Communists onto the South Vietnamese Army away from the United States.
  • Number of US Troops Fall

    American troops invaded cambodia ohio national guard soldiers armed with tear gas and rifles fired on demonstrator without order to do so. killed 4 students and 9 others
  • Pentagon Papers Published:

    Pentagon papers released, 2/3 of americans wanted to end the vietnam war
  • Nixon Cuts Troop Levels by 70K

    Democratic presidential candidates he is not moving fast enough to end US involvement in Vietnam, President Nixon orders troop strength reduced by seventy thousand.
  • Vietnames troops

    vietnames troops had to withdraw from south the peace treties broke american b-52's dropped thousands of bombs on north vietnam for 11 straight days
  • Last American Troops Leave Vietnam

    January 2 signed an agreement ending the war and restoring peace
  • Communist Forces Capture Phuoc Long Province

    North Vietnamese leaders interpret the US's complete lack of response to the siege as an indication that they could move more aggressively in the South
  • war cost

    Us paid $170 billion for its involvement in vietnam, 58,000 young americans died 300,000 were inured
  • Jimmy Carter Elected US President

  • US GAO Issues Report on Agent Orange

    the US General Accounting Office releases a report indicating that thousands of US troops were exposed to the herbicide Agent Orange.
  • US and Vietnam Exchange Ambassadors:

    US and Vietnam Exchange Ambassadors:
    the United States and Vietnam exchange ambassadors.