Period: to
Vietnam war
Becoming involved
President Dwight D. Eienhower he sent his military advisor to train the South Vietnamese army -
Military advisors
Military advisors in Vietnam had risen from 700 to 16,000. also the fight in Vietnam was getting worse. -
Two Vietnamese gun boats attacked an american destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin. -
Protest was held and had 20,000 people
Full-scale military intervention began.
Walt Rostow "I see the light at the end of the tunnel."
President Nixon decided to take the US out of the Vietnam war.
The Paris Peace Accords was made to call for an end to the fighting and for foreign people to be pulled out of the war
They evacuated the rest of the Americans and took some Vietnamese who wanted to get out of Saigon.
After the communist victory 60 percent of the population was born and 25 percent was younger than 15.
Marshall McLuhan "Vietnam was lost in the living rooms of america, not on the battlefields of Vietnam."
Escaping Vietnam
A helicopter was lifted off the roof of the American embassy. There was 400 vietnamise people wanting to escape. -
party leaders instituted free-market reforms.
President Bill Clinton lifted trade embargo in the US.
Bill Clinton restored diplomatic relations