Vietnam Timeline

  • Domino Theory coined

    Domino Theory coined
    In a conference, Eisenhower compared countries on the brink of communism was like dominoes. Basically saying once you knock over the first one the last one falls very quickly. The whole significance of the theory was just trying to get through everybody's head that communism will spread to their neighboring states and countries.
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    The Geneva Accords temporarily divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel. An election to try and unify the country again was held two years later. The purpose of these conventions was to secure peace and self-government.
  • Assassination of Diem

    Assassination of Diem
    Diem's popularity started to decrease after ongoing corruption and failure to uphold his end of the bargain. He also intensified his attack on Buddhism after seeing multiple exercises of the religion. The significance of his getting killed was the fact that South Vietnam realized that for them to be stable Diem had to go. So, against Kennedy's wishes, Diem was assassinated. 11
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    The resolution was passed by Congress after a North Vietnamese patrol boat fired at the USS Maddox. The attack prompted Johnson to launch strikes on North Vietnam. The purpose of passing this resolution was to let Johnson unleash his strikes on a country that came for us first, it was all about protecting our troops and pride for America.
  • LBJ ordered 1st troops to Vietnam

    LBJ ordered 1st troops to Vietnam
    In March of 1965, President Johnson began to send tens of thousands of soldiers to fight in Vietnam. The whole point of sending troops was to confront communism and protect an air base that was being used for a series of bombing raids. Some people didn't agree with it but others respected the fact that Johnson wasn't afraid to confront it.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Vietcong had done a surprise attack on several South Vietnam cities. At the same time this was happening Vietnamese citizens were celebrating Tet. So villagers were still taken advantage of their tradition but there were a lot of funerals. The Tet Offensive continued for about a month until the U.S. and South Vietnamese forces regained control of the cities.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    Lieutenant William Calley Jr. had commanded his troops to kill anything that breathed in the small village of My Lai. Shot over 200 innocent Vietnamese mostly women, children, and elderly men. Calley was the only one to be convicted and imprisoned.
  • Nixon's Vietnamization Policy

    Nixon's Vietnamization Policy
    Nixon and Kissinger had come up with a plan to end America's involvement in Vietnam. The Vietnamization policy had called for a withdrawal of the U.S. troops in order for the South Vietnamese to take on a more active combat role in the war. By August of 1969, the first 25,000 U.S. troops had returned home from Vietnam.
  • Nixon send troops into Cambodia

    Nixon send troops into Cambodia
    After the war seemed to be winding down and U.S. troops were coming home, President Nixon announced that American troops had invaded Cambodia. He wanted to clear out North Vietnamese and Vietcong supply centers. After this announcement, college students had begun to protest. The whole point of this invasion was to disrupt supply lines
  • Hard Hat Riot

    Hard Hat Riot
    Construction workers had viciously attacked college students while they were rioting about the Vietnam War. A seargant fired into the crowd of students after telling them to dispearse.
  • Nixon Christmas bombings

    Nixon Christmas bombings
    Talks about peace were starting to be difficult to achieve. So President Nixon bombed Hanoi and Haiphong. U.S. planes dropped 100,000 bombs over eleven days.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    The Paris Peace Accords was an agreement of ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam. In addition, the U.S. withdrew troops and so did both sides. The purpose of this was to stop having war throughout the whole country because it was just starting to become too much.
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    Congress passed the War Powers Act which stipulated that a president must inform Congress within 48 hours of sending forces into a hostile area without a declaration of war. In addition, the troops may remain there no longer than 90 days unless congress approves the president’s actions or declares war. This act made everyone stop and actually think about the risks of getting into other nations' affairs.
  • Saigon Falls

    Saigon Falls
    After the United States left its base in Vietnam, the cease agreement between North and South Vietnam disappeared. The North launched a full invasion against the South. America provided economic aid but refused to send troops. In April 1975 North Vietnamese tanks come into Saigon and captures the city. The South soon surrendered. The significance of Siagon falling was the fact that ultimately the war was ended.