Geneva Conference
A conference that produced a set of documents called the Geneva Accords, which divided Vietnam into to zones, a northern and southern zone -
Tonkin Resolution
A joint resolution passed by the United States Congress in response of a sea battle between the North Vietnamese Navy's Torpedo Squadron 10135 and the destroyer USS Maddox on August 2, 1964 -
Operation Rolling Thunder
videoGradual and sustained US 2nd Air Division, US Navy, and Republic of Vietnam Air Force ariel bombardment campaign conducted against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam -
Tet Offensive
A military campaign launched by forces of the People's Army of Vietnam against the forces of the Republic of Vietnam, the United States, and their allies -
Henry Cabot Lodge Nomination
The former American ambassador to South Vietnam is nominated by Richard Nixon to be the senior US negotiator at the Paris peace talks -
1969 Presidential Election
Richard Nixon gets elected as the 37th president of the United States, becomingthe 5th president to deal with Vietnam -
Nixon's Secret Bombing
President Nixon authorizes Operation Menu, the secret bombing of Cambodia by B-52's -
Prsident Nixon announces "vietnamization" , the US program of turning over to the South Vietnamese government responsibility for waging the conflict, in order to implement the withdrawal of US personnel -
U.S. Withdrawal of Troops
The very first withdrawal of troops occurs as 800 men from the 9th Infantry Division are sent home -
Reducing Draft Calls
President Nixon withdraws 35,000 troops from Vietnam and orders a reduction in draft calls -
Bombing on Ho Chi Minh Trail
B-52's strike the Ho Chi Minh trail in retaliation to the increasing number of Veit Cong raids throughout the South -
Kent State Shootings
The shooting of unarmed college students by the National Guard -
Demilitarized Zone
B-52's begin heavy bombing raids along the Demilitarized Zone -
Start of a New Offensive
South Vietnamese troops begin a new offensive into Cambodia -
26th Amendment
The 26th Amendment was adopted in response to student activism against the Vietnam War, and also limited the voting age to 18 -
Partial loss of Air Force
Heavy US air raids against airfields in North Vietnam destroy 10% of their air force. -
War Powers Act
The president was required to obtain support from Congress within 90 days of sending American troops abroad -
Saigon Attack
Saigon is encircled. 30,000 South Vietnamese soldiers attack without any leaders, and the NVA fires rockets into the downtown area as the city erupts in chaos. -
South Vietnam Surrender
South Vietnam surrenders the capital of South Vietnam, Saigon, to the North Vietnamese Army -
End of the War
At 8:35 A.M., the last of the American troops depart Saigon, concluding the United States presence in the Vietnam War. President Minh broadcasts a message of unconditional surrender saying that the war is over.