Vietnam Timeline

By Average
  • Dien Bien Phu

    Defeat of French troops and then withdrew from Vietnam.
  • Brown Vs. Board of Education

    The segregation of schools was unconstitional.
  • U.S. military aid is sent to South Vietnam

    The Geneva Accords are signed and divides voietnam along 17th parallel.
  • Montogomery bus boycott

    Rosa Parks stood up for what she believed in and sat in the front of the bus.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    To eliminate segregation from american society
  • Crisis in Little Rock

    Eisenhower sends troops to ensure integration of high schools.
  • the Civil Rights Act of 1957

    First Civil rights laws were passed to let african americans to vote.
  • Greensboro sit -in

    29 African American students sat at a restaraunt until they were served food.
  • Freedom Riders

    The purpose was to desegregate the interstate bus travel.
  • March on Washington

    To support civil rights legislation.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Johnson signed to pass the civil rights act of 1964.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    they were going to take all measures to repel any any armed attack against the forces of the United States
  • U.S. troops arrive in vietnam

    vietcong attacked the base at pleiku and killed 8 american soldiers.
  • Teach-ins

    Teachers and students talked about the issues surrounding the war and opposing it.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Congress passes the voting right act of 1965 for African Americans.
  • Tet Offensive

    Attached most american bases in south vietnam ans south's major cities.
  • Vietnamization

    The process involved gradual withdrawl of U.S. troops while south vietnam was still fighting.
  • National guard troops kill student protesters at Kent state.

    The invasions in Cambodia led to mass protests in the United States
  • War Powers Act

    They wanted to reestablish limits on executive power
  • The U.S. pulls out of the war

    The U.S decides to pull out of the war.