Nam war

Vietnam Timeline

  • French defeated by Vietminh

    French defeated by Vietminh
  • Ngo Dinh Diem wins rigged election to become president of South Vietnam

    Ngo Dinh Diem wins rigged election to become president of South Vietnam
  • No Timeline Events

  • U.S. Special Forces first arrive to begin training ARVN soldiers

    U.S. Special Forces first arrive to begin training ARVN soldiers
  • No Timeline Event

  • No Timeline Event

  • No Timeline Events

  • National Liberation Front for South Vietnam formed

    National Liberation Front for South Vietnam formed
  • No Timeline Events

  • No Timeline Events

  • Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc self-immolates

    Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc self-immolates
  • Ngo Dinh Diem assassinated

    Ngo Dinh Diem assassinated
  • President Kennedy assassinated

    President Kennedy assassinated
  • Maddox and C. Turner Joy report attack in Gulf of Tonkin

    Maddox and C. Turner Joy report attack in Gulf of Tonkin
  • Congress Passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

  • Operation Rolling Thunder begins

    Operation Rolling Thunder begins
  • First “teach-in” protest held at University of Michigan

    First “teach-in” protest held at University of Michigan
  • Nguyen Van Thieu becomes president of South Vietnam

    Nguyen Van Thieu becomes president of South Vietnam
  • Battle of Khe Sanh begins

    Battle of Khe Sanh begins
  • The Tet Offensive launched by VietCong and North Vietnamese Army

    The Tet Offensive launched by VietCong and North Vietnamese Army
  • Lieutenant William Calley and his men involved in My Lai Massacre

    Lieutenant William Calley and his men involved in My Lai Massacre
  • President Johnson announces he will not seek reelection

    President Johnson announces he will not seek reelection
  • Battle of Khe Sanh ends

    Battle of Khe Sanh ends
  • Operation Rolling Thunder Ends

    Operation Rolling Thunder Ends
  • “Vietnamization” announced by Nixon

    “Vietnamization” announced by Nixon
  • Ho Chi Minh dies of heart failure

    Ho Chi Minh dies of heart failure
  • Kent State Massacre

    Kent State Massacre
  • No Timeline Events

  • No TImeline Events

  • Cease-fire signed in Paris

    Cease-fire signed in Paris
  • Max Beilke becomes last American combat soldier to leave South Vietnam

    Max Beilke becomes last American combat soldier to leave South Vietnam
  • No Timeline Events

  • America airlifts thousands from Saigon as it falls to Communism

    America airlifts thousands from Saigon as it falls to Communism
  • No Timeline Events

  • President Carter pardons draft-dodgers

    President Carter pardons draft-dodgers