First death
Major Dale R. Buis was the first man killed by an ambush in the mess hall while other officers were watching a movie -
The Vietcong was both an army and political group for South Vietnamese who wanted communism -
Berlin wall
The Berlin wall was made by Germans. the wall seperated east Berlin -
Operation Chopper
Operation Chopper were the first combat mission against the Vietcong -
Cuban Missle Crises
The Cuban Missle Crissis was an event that couldve ended in nuclear warfare. Russia put missles in Cuba and we were worried that they might bomb us. Russia agreed to remove their missles in Cuba if we remove our missles in Turkey -
Battle of Ap Bac
Battle of Ap Bac was a major battle won by the Vietcong becuase of the NFL's line of defense -
President John F Kennedy is assassinated in a Motorcrade while driving through Dealy Plaza -
Gulf Of Tunkin
3 Noth Vietnamese PT boats fired torpedo's at USS Maddox named Gulf of tunkin -
China made its first atomic bomb and tested their new creation -
Rolling Thunder
Operation Rolling Thunder was bombing raids that lasted until November,1 1968 -
La Drang Valley
The Battle Of La Drang Valley was the first major battle between regular North Vietnamese troops and the US troops that lasted for four days -
Operation Cedar Falss
Operation Cedar Falls was a massive search and destroy to eradicate The Iron Triangle -
Pulo captured
A US electronic intellegince and signals intelligence was captured by North Koreans -
New president
Former President Johnson does not run for president, Richard Nixon whens the election -
Covert Bombing
President Richard Nixon authorized covert bombing operations, one named Breakfast was an operation to destroy supply routes -
Apollo eleven
Apollo eleven was the first spaceship to take a man to and back from the moon -
Hippie festival
Woodstock is a festival that has three days of music and nothing but peace -
The Cambodian Campaign was a series of military operations. Army operations were April twenty ninth till July second, and us forces between May first and June thirtieth -
College students at Kent State Univeristy had a peachful protest e when the Ohio National Gaurd opened fire at the non-armed students. This event is also called the Kent State massacre -
Cease fire
A cease fire agreement was signed in Paris