Veitnam war


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    Eisenhower Administration

    Eisenhower was inaugurated as the 34th president, He was a Republican. This administration continued president Truman's policy of containment to prevent the spread of communism.
  • Geneva Accords

    At the Accords Vietnam was mad an independent nation and ending French colonization. Cambodia and Laos were given independence and Vietnam remained divided. All of this was part of the Geneva Agreements
  • Dien Bien Phu

    When the Dien Bien Phu fell, the French pulled away. The French troops surrendered. It ended the French colonial influence in Indochina.
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    Kennedy Administration

    Kennedy focused on reducing the possibility of war. This administration lessoned the tensions with the peaceful ending of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
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    Johnson Administration

    Johnson had a policy of containment. This administration advanced the US presence in Vietnam to try and stop the spread of communism during the cold war. He also focused on social reform.
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    This was a naval event that was presented to the US Congress when 2 attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats were unprovoked and they destroyed Turner Joy and Maddox that were in the Seventh Fleet.
  • Tonkin Resolution

    This act gave President Johnson the authority to do what he felt was necessary to promote international security and peace in southeast Asia.
  • Vietnamization

    This was a US policy in the Vietnam War that allowed the transferring and withdrawal of troops to the war effort of the government of South Vietnam to lesson US involvement, and train south Vietnamese forces
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    Tet Offensive

    A series of North Vietnamese attacks on the cities in South Vietnam. It was to try and get the US to step down and scale back its involvement in the Vietnam War.
  • My Lai Massacre

    This was an act of violence committed against civilians during the Vietnam war. American soldiers killed women, children and other people in the village of My Lai. The purpose was to clear landing area for helicopters but it forced the people to look for shelter and cover
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    Nixon Administration

    Nixon focused on détente when it came to the Soviet Union, and the People's Republic of China and easing the tensions with these countries.
  • Invasion of Cambodia

    Nixon ordered US troops to Cambodia to disrupt supply lines that North Vietnam were using. Cambodia was neutral yet the US President ordered ground and air strikes there.
  • Daniel Ellsberg

    He studied nuclear weapons and nuclear policy. The Ellsberg Paradox was developed by him. He was a political activist, economist and military analyst (not sure what date to put him in)
    He released the Pentagon Papers which was a study of the US government decision making ideas and thoughts within the Vietnam War
  • Pentagon Papers

    These papers were made public about the US info on the Vietnam war it made the bombing of Cambodia and other raids public which were kept secret from mainstream media
  • Christmas Bombing

    Nixon ordered a massive campaign of bombing of North Vietnam to get Vietnam to negotiate peace which led them to the Paris Peace Treaty a few weeks later
  • Paris Peace Conference/Accords

    It would get rid of US Forces and end direct military intervention the fighting would be stopped temporarily. Other things discussed were the creation of the League of Nations, a peace treaty was signed to end the Vietnam war.
  • War Powers Act

    A law that was made to look over and check the US president's power to involve the US in armed conflict without US congress consent
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    Ford Administration

    The Ford Administration continued Nixon's policy "détente" to relive the tensions of the Cold War.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Saigon was held by the South Vietnamese but then their forces collapsed when North Vietnam advanced