Vietnam war protest

Vietnam and all that jazz

  • Rachel Carson

    Wrote a book named Silent Spring which was in paralell with the EPA and was againt harmfull pecdicides and exposed them for what they are.
  • Major Court Cases

    Throughout the 60's, many significant Supreme court cases were attended to. Included in those are Griswold vs. Connecticut 1965(allowed the use of contraceptives), Escobedo vs. Miranda 1964 and 1966 (ensured the right of an accused to remain silent) New York 1964(no accusing without eveidence or out of anger) Engle vs. Vitale and School District of Abington Township 1962 1963( invocted the first amendment for spereation of church and state through schools)
  • "Vietnamization"

    Nixon's plan to withdraw 540,000 troops in South Vietnam and have South Viatnam fight their own war(with US supplies) so American lives were not wasted. Created massive seperation between the doves and the silent majority.
  • Nixon's Philadelphia Plan

    Nixon's Philadelphia Plan
    Plan to intergrade minorities into the workforce regularly. Had companies have to set aside spots for them or in schools spots for them. Led to a wide aray of protests
  • Period: to

    Economic Stagnation

    Sudden Slump in productivity for the economy during the 70's due to the Great Society and the war in Vietnam. Also due to foriegn businesses, like Japan and Germany, selling cheaply in U.S.
  • The Draft

    The Draft
    A draft was issued during Vietnam however it excluded school kids, such as college kids, and men with critical civillian skills. Heavily filled with less fortunate or high up citizens. Blacks were disproportionatly represented in the army and accounted for a disproportionatly high amount of combat fatalities.
  • Nixon Stacks the Supreme Court

    Nixon Stacks the Supreme Court
    Nixon appointed Warren E. Burger as the new Cheif justice. By the end of 1971 Nixon had 4 out of the 9 justices conservative NIxon appointments.
  • Birth of New Organizations

    Birth of New Organizations
    In 1970 the EPA(Enviornmental Protection Agency) and OSHA(Occupational Health and Saftey Administration). These organizations stood on the frontline for enviornmental protection
  • The Acts of Valor

    The Clean Air Act by the EPA in 1970 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Made notible progress in reducing automobile emissions and toxic waste.
  • Domestic support hits an all time low

    Domestic support hits an all time low
    Citizens have much hatred towards the soldiers that are sent over, thought they killed own officers and in 1968 murdered innocent women and children in My Lai. Nixon wanted to end this conflict so he ordered the war to be widened to Cambodia
  • Period: to

    Cambodia causes disdane from Students

    NIxon ordered American troops to invade "neutral" Cambodia without Congress aprovsl. Agry students began pretesting everywhere, notiblly Ken State in Ohio where the National guard fired and killed 4 and wounded more and Jackson State in Mississippi where two were killed by highway partrol. Nixon pulled out after two months in Cambodia
  • Nixon shows sides for the war

    Nixon shows sides for the war
    Nixon favored the silent majority, the ones who supported the war. He unleashed "tough talking" Vice President Agnew to attack the doves, or the ones who wanted Nixon to imediatly withdraw from Vietnam. in 70 he sneered at the student antiwar protestors. Causes more rift in society
  • The 26th Amendment

    The 26th Amendment
    The voting age was lowered to 18 rather than 21. This made citizens a little happier because that's when they were eligable to be dreafted into the war so it made them feel as if they had more rights and belong to country.
  • Period: to

    Nixon takes a trip to China and Russia

    NIxon knew that China and Soviet Union differed on their views between Marxism. NIxon travlled to China in feb of 72 where the two nations agreed to normalize thier relationship, Nixon travled to Moscow in May and reached a Detente, or relaxed tension, between the two Communist contries.
  • Nixon attempts to fight inflation

    Nixon attempts to fight inflation
    Nixon takes the US off the gold standard which devalues the dollar and freezes wages for 90 days in order to fight the rising inflation rates.
  • The Senate repeals the blank check

    The Senate repeals the blank check
    The Senate, however not the House of Representatives, overwhelmingly repealled the blank check given to Johnson during the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964. Attempted to restrict Nixon
  • Pentagon Papers

    Pentagon Papers
    Former Pentagon Official leaked to the NY TImes documents showing the bl;unders and deceptions of Kennedy and Johnson that provoked the North Vietnam aattack in 1964 on the Gulf of Tonkin. This lead to major antiwar views
  • Election of 1972

    Election of 1972
    Nixon wins the election by a landslide to Democratic canidate George McGovern. However, even though the new 26th amandment was passed less than half the age group of 18-21 bothered to register to vote.
  • Detente with USSR

    Detente with USSR
    US and USSR reached an agreement where the US would sell at least $750 million worth of wheat, corn, and other cereals. Also an anti-ballistic missle treaty (ABM), limiting each nation to two clusters of defence missles. Moreover a series of arm reduction negotiations known as SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) reducing number of nuclear missles. Slowed arms race
  • The Draft Ends

    The Draft Ends
    The Vietnam Draft ends although is retained on a standby basis. Future members of the forces were vounteers.
  • A Shaky Peace

    A Shaky Peace
    For two solid weeks Nixon heavily bombed North Vietnam inorder to get them back onto the negotiations table. US managed to get cease fire agreements as we were to withdraw our 27,000 troops from Vietnam and reclaim our 560 prisoners while we gave them their 145,000 troops to keep in South Vietnam where they kept 30%. Essentially an American retreat
  • Nixon's Defiance

    Nixon's Defiance
    After Vietnam in 1973, Nixon continued large scale bombing on communist forces. He continually vetoed Congress's efforts to stop him and continued to bomb Cambodia
  • Death of Communist Salvador Allende

    Death of Communist Salvador Allende
    In 1973 Communist leader of Chilie Salvador Allende was murdered by an uprising helped by American CIA. His successor was General Augusto Pinochet who the US warmly embraced. This lead observers to "smell a Yankee rat"
  • The truth comes out

    The truth comes out
    US citiizens learn that the US Air Force had been secretly bombing Cambodia 14 moths prior to announcing it and during the time they secretly were in 69 they swore to neutrality so they lied.
  • Roe vs. Wade

    Roe vs. Wade
    The most contriversial judicial opinion of modern times, the Buger court in 1973 leagilized abortion which is still contriversial today.
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    Passed over Nixon's veto, required the president to report to COngress withen 48 hours after commiting troops to a foriegn conflict. Also it must end withen 60 days unless Congress extends it for another 30 days. Put control over the President so he couldnt just do what he wanted