Vietnam (Aaron)

By amermis
  • Period: to

    Vietnams War for Independance

  • France regains control over Vietnam when WWII ends

    France regains control over Vietnam when WWII ends
    The French start to fight the Viet Minh, This goes into 1946 when the French bomb the port of Hai Phong and the Viet Minh guerilla camp. This started the First Indochina War.
  • Eisenhower sends supplies to France

    Eisenhower sends supplies to France
    The US gives French support in Vietnam even though Ho Chi Minh went to the US president and asked for peace.
  • France Defeated and Vietnam Split

    France Defeated and Vietnam Split
    French Indochina and the first Indochina War end with the Geneva Accords. Ho Chi Minh negotiated a cease fire at the Geneva Convention.
  • Kennedy sends 16,000 Green Berets to S Vietnam

    Kennedy sends 16,000 Green Berets to S Vietnam
    Kennedy was told to put in soldiers as "flood relief personal" but he declined that idea and put in normal soldiers and made the number of troops in Vietnam that are American 16,000
  • Johnson sends in first regular troops to Vietnam

    Johnson sends in first regular troops to Vietnam
    After the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin President Nixon said it was worth it to put troops in Vietnam to aid the south so he did and out regular military troops on the ground in Vietnam.
  • Largest number of troops spike at over 536.000

    Largest number of troops spike at over 536.000
    American troops in Vietnam hit it's high at 536,000
  • Tet Offensive hit all major cities

    Tet Offensive hit all major cities
    Viet Cong and NVA attacked every major city in South Vietnam on the Tet Lunar New Year. Called the Tet Offensive it was designed to spark a national uprising and win over the US.
  • Vietnamization

    Policy that was used by President Nixon in response to the Tet Offenisive it was to train and arm south vietnamese to be soldiers and fight while we withdraw US troops.
  • Kent State Shootings

    Kent State Shootings
    Protest at Kent State College was interupted by federal troops. The troops stated they fely uncomfortable and not safe around the protestors so they shot high velocity rounds at them and killed 4 students and wounded 9. They fired a total of 67 shots at the unarmed protestors. This sparked mass protesting against the war throughout the US.
  • Pentagon Papers leaked

    Pentagon Papers leaked
    A man named Daniel Ellsberg leaked the papers. They discredited the US and they stated that even though the government said they were ending the war the papers said the opposite,
  • US leaves Vietnam

    US leaves Vietnam
    On January 15, 1973 President Nixon announced the Paris Peace Acoords that offically ended the war and US involvement in Vietnam.
  • North defeats South to end war

    North defeats South to end war
    On April 23rd, President Gerald Ford announced that the war in Vietnam was over. Us withdrew all aid. The North Vietnamese deats the South,