
  • Geneva Conference

    Geneva Conference
    World powers met in Geneva to sort out the French and Vietnamese forces fighting in Indoicha. This marks the turning point in the US involvement in the Vietnam War.
  • Tonkin Gulf Resoulation

    Tonkin Gulf Resoulation
    On August 4th North Vietnam subboats fired torpedos on US boats. With this attack Congress passed a resoulation allowing our involvement in the war.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    This was a series of bombings lasting up to 3 years. US air raids continued across North Vietnam bombing big military points.
  • B-52 Raids

    B-52 Raids
    The first B-52 bomber raids were launched in South Vietnam hitting Vietcong targets.
  • First US Offensive

    First US Offensive
    US troops began a sweep just north of Saigon, but the sweep failed to turn up any Viet Cong. With over 3900 combined troops from the US and Austraila.
  • Biggest Air Raid Of The War

    Biggest Air Raid Of The War
    Over 500 US planes flew over North Vietnam to drop bombs on specific targets. When it was all said and done it was the biggest air raid of the war.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    More then 250000 people gathered in washington DC to protest the war.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Some 70000 North Vietnamese and Vietcong forces attacked cities and towns all over South Vietnam. This was a turning point in the war as Americans began to withdraw from Vietnam. This was brought upon by the lose of interest in the war back home.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    Troops lead by Lt. William Calley killed between 200 and 500 villagers from the hamlet of My Lai. They were told to enter the village firing.
  • Vietnamization

    With Nixon in office he ordered all troops to support South Vietnam, and we got involved in the war in choosing sides.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    After a draft of 150,000 people protests across the nation happened on college campuses. On Kent State campus they set fire to the ROTC building. The government sent National graudsmen to the campus.
  • 26th Admendment

    26th Admendment
    The draft allowed for men the age 18 to be drafted. They soon began to protest the idea that they could go to war but not vote. On this day the house voted it in to debate, and in July of the next year Nixon signed it.
  • US Withdrawl

    US Withdrawl
    The two sides, the US, and NLF were negoiating peace in Paris. Signing an agreement that said the US would withdraw troops, but would aid South Vietnam with further attacks.
  • War Power Resolution

    War Power Resolution
    This was a law passed by the 93rd congress saying that the US can not enter any war without congress aproval. This was do to the involvement in Korea and Vietnam.
  • South Vietnam Surrender

    South Vietnam Surrender
    North Vietnam had began an onslaught of battle across South Vietnam in Decemember of 1974. Continuing their attacks and advancing fowarded they soon reached Saigon. On April 25 they surrounded Saigon, and by the 30th they were breaking down the walls of the Presidents Palace.