eisenhower announces domino theory
The president that proposed the Domino theory was Dwight Eisenhower. The theory stated if a particular country within a specific region became communist, the rest of the countries surrounding it would also adopt communism due to influences from the prior country. The process would continually go on causing a 'domino effect. -
geneva records
focused primarily on resolving the war between French forces and those of the Democratic Republic of Vietnan -
hi Minh Takes Power
Ho Chi Minh, following the communist doctrine, orders sweeping "land reforms" in North Vietnam.thousands of people classified as landowners and wealthy farmers are imprisoned and toourtured In a mass exodus, many Vietnamese families flee and head to South Vietnam -
JFK assasination
JFK came to dallas to speak to get the texans vote. but while he was riding his motocrade down downtown dallas when he was shot in back . -
Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution
The U.S. Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which gives President Lyndon Johnson the power to take whatever actions he sees necessary to defend South Vietnam against Viet Cong forces. -
Paris Peace Talks Begin
Peace talks are held in Paris. Representatives from the U.S., the South Vietnamese government, and the NLF are present. -
operation rolling thunder
operation Rolling THunder
Responding to a VC assault on the U.S. Air Force base at , South Vietnam, President Johnson authorizes Operation Rolling Thunder. The operation is a bombardment campaign meant to cripple North Vietnam's transportation system and its industrial centers in order to halt the flow of men and supplies into the South. -
tot offensive
Beginning on the Vietnamese Tet holiday, Viet Cong forces shock U.S. troops with a wave of attacks supported by North Vietnamese troops. Heavy fighting will continue for months. Ultimately, the Tet Offensive will be a catastrophe for the NLF and the Viet Cong, which lose 37,000 fighters. But it is also a serious blow for the United States, which loses 2,500 men. Public support for the war in the U.S. plummets. -
My Lai massacre
Mass killing of as many as 500 unarmed villagers by U.S. soldiers in the hamlet of My Lai -
Richard Nixon Elected
Republican Richard Nixon is elected president of the United States. -
vietnamazation anouced
The number of U.S. troops in Vietnam peaks at 543,000. President Nixon announces his plan for "Vietnamization" of the war which is training South Vietnamese troops to the roles that have been fulfilled by American troopsand promises to withdraw 25,000 American soldiers. -
Ken State Incident
The Ohio National Guard attempts to disperse the growing crowd on the fourth day of anti-war protests at Kent State University.Members of the Guard shoot into the crowd, killing four and wounding nine -
Cease Fire Sighned
Representatives from South & North Vietnam, and the United States sign a peace agreement in which a ceasefire is declared. the U.S. agrees to withdraw combat troops, and the government of South Vietnam promises to hold free elections to allow its people to decide their future. -
fall of saigon
The North Vietnamese take Saigon; the war in Vietnam ends. -
nixon resigns
Richard Nixon becomes the first U.S. president to resign. Vice President Gerald R. Ford assumes the country’s highest office. He will later pardon Nixon of all charges related to the Watergate case.