By the time that I was born, our family already owned an Atari. The Atari was launched in 1972 but I'm not sure when we first got one. My favorite game (along with everyone else) was Pong -
Commodore 64
This was another system that my family owned before I was born. It was released in 1982 and I was born in 1988. I do remember playing games on it, but no specific games. -
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
The NES was the first system that I really remember interacting with a lot. I'm pretty sure we owned it before I was born, but I actually played it regularly unlike the Atari and Commodore 64 which I only pulled out for nostalgia. Favorite Game: California Games and Mario -
SEGA Genesis
I never technically owned a SEGA Genesis, but my older brother did. It was one of the few systems that didn't belong to the family as a whole. The SEGA was the same generation as the SNES and I liked the SNES way more, but the SEGA was good for one reason...Sonic the Hedgehog. -
Super Nintendo (SNES)
In my opinion, the SNES was the greatest gaming system ever. The game selection was incredible. I spent way too much time playing this system. Favorite games: Super Mario, Super Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punchout. -
My older brother Tim had a Playstation which I wasn't really allowed to play. In 2000 when the Playstation 2 was released, Sony also released the PS1 which was a remake of the original. I had this system and played it quite often. Favorite Games: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater II, Final Fantasy VII -
Nintendo 64
The N64 introduced this weird three handled, joystick embedded, controller. It was an incredible system with a great selection of games. It was the first system I played that had some 3D graphics. Favorite Games: 007 Golden-eye, Mario Party -
Nintendo Game Cube
Because we were a Nintendo Family, we stuck with the Game-Cube over the more popular X-Box. I would argue with my friends that it was better, but in reality it probably wasn't. Favorite Game: Donkey Conga -
XBOX 360
My best friend and roommate had an XBOX 360. We mostly played sports games on it. This is when I finally dropped my stigma against XBOX. -
This is the system that I currently have. I played it a lot more before I finished my degree and started teaching. Now that I'm married, I don't play it ever. When I do play, it is pretty much just the sports games. Favorite Games: FIFA, NBA 2K