Video Game History

By aliyjah
  • Tennis for Two

    1958 William Higinbothom created tennis for 2. This was made for an analog computer.
  • Space War

    1962 Steve Russell dementia a computer-based space combat game when at MIT. He named it Space War.
  • The brown box

    Sander Association Inc led by Ralph Baer invented a prototype multiplayer and multi-program video game system. This was meant to be played on a television. They named it the brown box
  • The Odyssey

    In 1972 Baer licensed the brown box to Magnauox. They sold the system as The Odyssey. This was the first Home console.
  • Atari 2600

    1977 Atari released the Atari2600. This was also known as the video computer system. It wasn't at home console that use joysticks interchangeable cartridges and multicolored games
  • Pac Man

    Japanese game Pac-Man was introduced to the US in 1980. This was a maze game by Namco
  • Donkey Kong

    In 1983 Nintendo a Japanese card company releases Donkey Kong. This introduces the world to the character Mario.
  • Nintendo

    Japanese company Nintendo releases Super Mario Bros and Legends of Zelda in 1989. They soon after release Game Boy
  • The mid-90s

    Video games soon became popular on the big screen. In 1993 Super Mario Bros a live action movie is released soon after Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. Thanks in 1996 Nintendo releases it's cartridge-based 64-bit system.
  • Modern Age Gaming

    In 2005 through 2006 many companies released game consoles that allow you to easily play games at home. Microsoft releases Xbox 360. Sony releases PlayStation 3. And Nintendo releases the Wii. This introduces high-definition this introduces high-definition gaming