
  • 1st Film

    1st Film
    cost $25,000
    people argued that a glloping horse had all four feet off the ground at the same time while running, others felt it was impossible. To settle the argument there was an exeriment held in which a rapid sequence of photos were taken of a running horse.
  • First Camera

    First Camera
    George Eastman introduced the lightweight, not so much expensive Kodak camera, using film wound on rollers.
  • Great Train Robbery

    Great Train Robbery
    The Great Robbery was the first Western film released
  • First Animated Cartoon

    First Animated Cartoon
    The first cartoon that was ever made was Humorous of funny faces.
  • First Movie Stunt

    First Movie Stunt
    A man jumped from a burning balloon . This is now known as the first stunt. There was no casulities and he jumped into a river.
  • First Comedy Made

    First Comedy Made
    Tillie's Punctured Romance" was the first comedy ever made.
  • Warner Brothers Established

    Warner Brothers Established
    Warner Brothers has established the first movie insustry. They ended up being one of the biggest ones in that time. And they are still standing today.
  • First Video with Sound

    First Video with Sound
    The same of the video was the "Jazz Singer". This included the first video ever recorded with sound. And also where lots of people were able to view.
  • Technicolor is invented

    Technicolor is invented
    George Eastman presents 1st technicolor event. The view was way better than ever experianced. This made the view of color a lot more exciting for everyone.
  • First Color Tv Broadcast

    First Color Tv Broadcast
    This was very challenging at the time. All broadcast have been in radio or black and white. So color made a huge change to everyone watching the broadcast in color for the first time in history.
  • The Godfather

    The Godfather
    The godfather was the first feature film. The only blockbuster of its time nobody else could compare. It also introduced the view of sequals.
  • Toy Story

    Toy Story
    Toy story was the first big film in a while. It also combined cartoon dynamics with people voices. And created a kid friendly type of movie enviroment.