Victorians 1832-1901

By mayseke
  • Period: to

    Victorians 1832-1901

    Victorians 1832-1901
  • Slavery banned in British colonies

    The British empire abolishes slavery, and more than 800,000 slaves in the British Caribbean are freed. The government provides damages to slave owners, but nothing to slaves
  • Queen Victoria takes the crown

    at the age of 8 queen Victoria takes the crown after the death of her uncle William the 4th
  • the first electric telograph

    The first electric telegraph is sent between English inventor William Fothergill Cooke and scientist Charles Wheatstone, who went on to found The Electric Telegraph Company
  • Victoria marries first cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, will have nine children

    Victoria marries first cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, will have nine children
  • Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.

    Charles Dickens, publishes A Christmas Carol. Other works from the author during this period include Oliver Twist Great Expectations David Copperfield and Nicholas Nickleby and more
  • Irish Potato Famine

    Irelands potato crop begins to rot causing the four year Irish Potato Famine also known as the Great Hunger that lead to 1 million deaths and caused 1 million people to emigrate from the country landing in various cities throughout North America and Great Britain
  • The brainchild of Prince Albert

    the Great Exhibition opens in Londons Crystal Palace with 10,000 plus exhibitors displaying the worlds technological wonders from false teeth to farm machinery to telescopes Six million visitors attend what would become the first World’s Fair before it closes in October
  • France and Britain declare war on Russia

    launching the Crimean War which largely surrounds the protection of the rights of minority Christians in the Ottoman Empire Historys most famous nurse Florence Nightingale helps reduce the death count by two thirds by improving unsanitary conditions
  • The controversial On the Origin of Species

    Charles Darwin published The controversial On the Origin of Species presenting his theory of natural selection and questioning the theory of creation.