Alfred Lord Tennyson In Memoriam
In Memorian is a poem written by the late Alfred Lord Tennyson. Alfred wrote many stories and poems but the In Memorian was the first recorded poem in the victorian age. It may have been the corner stone of poetry in the Victorian age. -
Queen Victoria is crowned queen
Queen Victoria was known for her unapologetic support of British Imperialism. Many authors were created by the imperialism movement some for it, some against it. This movement also created many literary works that are still around today. -
Chariles Darwin published Origin Of Species
The Origin of Species was a very contreversal book in the Victorian Age. People of this age were very religious and disagreed with any thing that went against the bible. Causing many poets to write poems to show their views. -
Gerald Manley Hopkins
Gerald in the year of 1865 entered a Jesuit religious order and stops writing poetry.His voice was missed for 10 years requiring other poets to step up in his place. He later returned in 1875 -
Gerald Manley Hopkns returns to writing
In the year of 1875 Gerald returned from his Jesuit religious order . He soon begins to write poetry and novels like he did in the past. -
1st Oxford English Dictionary
In Victorian times the middle class became educated trying to speak proper english. The fact that education began to increase meant there had to be a book that held all proper words, so the Oxford English Dictionary was created. -
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote Sherlock Holmes
In this time people preferred more fictional stories. This movement caused Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to write the story Sherlock Holmes. -
H.G. Wells landmark in sience fiction
This period in time people began to wan fiction more than realistic stories. This hunger for fiction caused H.G. to write the story The Time Machine. -
Thomas Hardy quits writing novles
Thomas Hardy writes Jude the Obscure. The reaction to this novel is so negative that it forces Thomas to stop writing novels and return to poetry. -
William Morris contradicted Rudyard Kipling ideas on British Imperialism
In the era of British Imperialism many writers wrote with and against imperialism. Writers like Rudyard Kipling wrote stories gloryfing the expansion of the British Empire. While other writers contradicted him by saying is its Britians place to civilize the rest of the world. -
Ruyard Kilping novle Kim
Many writers wrote stories detailing the places they had been, which enterained many of the readers in Britian. One of these writers was named Ruyard Kipling he detailed his life in India through a novel called Kim.