1500 BCE
Creation of HInduism
750 BCE
The Upanishads (Hindu) are Written
to 550 -
720 BCE
Nihon Shoki was Written
Chronicle of Japan (Shinto) -
712 BCE
Kojiki was Complied
Record of Ancient Things (Shinto text) -
604 BCE
Laozi was Born
Founder of Daoism -
563 BCE
Siddhartha Gautama(The Buddha) was Born
551 BCE
Confucius was Born
520 BCE
Creation of Buddhism
510 BCE
Creation of Confucianism
This is a rough estimate -
475 BCE
Creation of Legalism
470 BCE
The Gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva Introduced
369 BCE
Zhuangzi Was Born
He is a major interrupter of Daoism -
300 BCE
Buddhism Send Missionaries To Speard
It was in 3rd Century BC -
300 BCE
Shintoism Becomes the Japanese Religion
280 BCE
Hanfeizi was Born
Founder of Leaglism -
221 BCE
Legalism is a Major Belief
220 BCE
Confuscianism Becomes the Domaint Beilef
Han Dyansty -
200 BCE
Daoism Becomes a Philosophy