veterans day project

  • Austria Hungary invades Russia

    Austria Hungary invades Russia
    They declared war on August 6th but invaded on the 10th because Russia was sworn to protect Serbia, which meant Russia had to fight Austro-Hungary. But Austria wanted to conquer them.
  • The first Battle of Ypres

    The first Battle of Ypres
    was a battle of the First World War, fought on the Western Front around Ypres, in West Flanders, Belgium.
  • Sinking of the RMS Lusitania

    Sinking of the RMS Lusitania
    This ship was torpedoed by an Imperial German Navy U-boat. It was a swift-moving British cruise liner traveling from New York to Liverpool, England.
  • Battle of verdun

    Battle of verdun
    it was a battle of the French vs. Germans and the Germans were on offense. It was one of the longest, bloodiest, and most-ferocious battles of the war with 750,000 casualties altogether, and about 300,000 were killed.
  • The U.S enter the war

    The U.S enter the war
    The U.S entered because of Germany's renewed submarine policy as “a war against mankind. It is a war against all nations. Germany also talked about spying on the U.S and the Betrayal of the Zimmermann Telegram.
  • Quincy Claude Ayres boards the USS Pocahontas

    Quincy Claude Ayres boards the USS Pocahontas
    This was a transport ship for the United States Navy during this time.
  • Leaves port

    Leaves port
    After remembering his promise to his wife. He also constantly is day and night dreaming of her and remembering what he's fighting for.
  • Joined a convoy

    Joined a convoy
    convoy- (a group of ships or vehicles traveling together)
  • Steamed into port-Brest- cameras were forbidden

    Steamed into port-Brest- cameras were forbidden
    Brest- a city in France
    they steamed in at about 9:30 am
  • leaves Brest France

    leaves Brest France
    they left at 3:24 pm and he had a first-class passage to Paris. There was some delay though. Something about lice
  • Leaves Paris for the front

    Leaves Paris for the front
    the front- The German army invaded Luxembourg and Belgium, then gained military control of important industrial regions in France
  • Shooting gets real

    Shooting gets real
    He's really getting shot at Raulecourt, this lasted till March 29th