Attack on Twin Towers
Two planes flew into the twin towers in New York CIty. Attacks link to Al-Qaeda. The attack untimately lead to the Operations -
Operation Enduring Freedom Begins
US and British forces begin airstriking the Tailban and Al-Qaeda forces in Afaganistain -
Bonn Conferance
United Nations gather in Germany and creates an Afghan Interiam authority. -
Plans to Train an Afghan Army
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld announces that there are plans under way for U.S. and coalition forces to help train and create an Afghan national army -
Nato is given responsibility for the ISAF
NATO assumes responsibility for the ISAF mission. -
First Elected President
Hamid Karzai is sworn in as the first democratically elected president of Afghanistan. -
Suicide Bombing
A suicide bomber blows up a checkpoint at Bagram Air Base, killing more than 20. Taliban insurgents claim Vice President Dick Cheney was the target of the attack. -
President Bush Deploys more People
President Bush calls on NATO to increase troops in Afghanistan. There are already about 50,000 U.S. and NATO troops there. -
Afghan Election Scandal
Afghanistan holds its second election. Voting fraud allegations lead to the scheduling of a presidential runoff vote on November 7 -
Obama Deploys More Troops
President Obama announces the deployment in 2010 of 30,000 additional U.S. troops. This new deployment will bring the U.S. total to almost 100,000 troops, in addition to 40,000 NATO troops. -
Ten aid workers are killed
Ten aid workers are killed by gunmen in Badakhshan, Afghanistan. Among the dead are six Americans, two Afghans, a Briton and a German. -
WIthdrawl of Troops
US and NATO end cobat mission with Afghanistan