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Ve Ann Ilustrisimo's Media Timeline

By veann
  • Radio

    •Radio was the first technology I've encountered in 2009. A radio is the piece of equipment that you use in order to listen to different radio programmes. A lot of people tend to listen this in morning or in afternoon.
  • Keypad Phone

    Keypad Phone
    •We also have a keypad phone in 2009.A standard phone keypad has alphabetic letters on the numeric keys; for example, the "2" is also "ABC." In text mode, the appropriate letters are entered by pressing a key once or several times in rapid succession. With each key press, the next letter in sequence becomes available.
  • Television

    •Year 2011 I've encountered television. Television is a piece of electrical equipment consisting of a box with a glass screen on it on which you can watch programmes, movies, dramas,
    etc. with pictures and sounds.
  • DVD Player

    DVD Player
    •In 2011 me and my cousins used to watch barbie and cartoons. Since cellphone and cable that time are not known yet, we just used the tv and DVD player. In using the DVD player, you'll just enter the disc and press the word "play". DVD player is a device that plays DVD's produced under both the DVD-Video and DVD-Audio technical standards, two different and incompatible standards. Some manufacturers originally announced that DVD players would be available as early as the middle of 1996.
  • Books

    •In 2011 I am fan of reading books but now due to the fact that technology is evolving, I've lost my interest in reading. Why do I like reading books that time? Simply because some of the books that time were interesting and I don't know yet what is technology that time.
  • Tablet

    •Year 2013, my sister gave us a tablet where I always used to play games and watch my favorite movie. A tablet is a wireless, portable personal computer with a touchscreen interface. The tablet form factor is typically smaller than a notebook computer, but larger than a smartphone.
  • Cellphone

    •In year 2016, for the first time in my life I had own a cellphone. A cellphone is a phone that you can carry with you and a typical android cell phone is a smartphone with a touch screen interface, multiple connectivity options, Internet browsing capabilities, support for video playback and a camera.
  • Pocket Wi-Fi

    Pocket Wi-Fi
    •Way back 2016, I've known what pocket wifi is. Wi-Fi allows local area networks (LANs) to operate without cables and wiring, making it a popular choice for home and business networks. Wi-Fi can also be used to provide wireless broadband Internet access for many modern devices, such as laptops, smartphones, tablet computers, and electronic gaming consoles.
  • Computer

    •In 2017,we had an ICT subject wherein we used computer.A computer is a machine or device that performs processes, calculations and operations based on instructions provided by a software or hardware program. It has the ability to accept data (input), process it, and then produce outputs.
  • Youtube App

    Youtube App
    •Youtube where I always watch fantasy movies, short stories and other movies, was also introduced to me way back 2017. It allows users to upload, rate, download, save to playlist, comment on videos and the like.
  • Facebook App

    Facebook App
    •I've started to use the Facebook app in 2017. Facebook enables users to share information,photos,and keep in touch with your friends, family and lover/s (if you have one). It allows communication with the use of an internet or data.
  • Messenger App

    Messenger App
    •I also started using messenger app in 2017. Messenger is where you can send a voice mail, messages and also can video call or call your family, friends and lover/s.
  • Cellpone

    •In 2020, my brother gave me his cellphone. I am happy that time because I had a new phone even though it is not that brand new. This allows me to explore what the cellphone and the technology can offer for me to cope up with the evolution that is currently happening.
  • TikTok App

    TikTok App
    •Year 2021 I was engaged in using the TikTok app. TikTok is a social media platform in creating, sharing and discovering short videos. The app is used by young people as an outlet to express themselves through singing, dancing, comedy, and lip-syncing, and allows users to create videos and share them across a community. The users of this app can select the song they wish to use in their video first, then record themselves miming along to the music.
  • Wattpad App

    Wattpad App
    •I started reading wattpad app in 2020. This was the reason why I always slept late, gain more pimples and have my imaginary boyfriends. Wattpad is an online social reading platform that breaks down barriers between readers and writers. It encourages users to create and share their own stories in all genres from teen fiction to poetry to action, adventure and more.
  • Cellpone

    •I still can't forget what happened in 2021.  My eldest brother was planning that time to gave me a new phone,this was supposed to be a surprise but his girlfriend mentioned it to me so it didn't shocked me anymore when he told me to open the box in his motor. He even asked me "Why aren't you surprise?" and then his girlfriend asked him "Oh, is this supposed to be a surprise ?".
  • Netflix App

    Netflix App
    •Netflix is a streaming service that allows members to watch TV shows, series and movies without commercials and a subscription based. It can help people with leisure time if they needed something to watch. I am one of the subscriber of Netflix, all I can say is that it really helpful with my leisure time and can learn something with what I've watched.