Valerie's Time Line

  • Middle School

    Valerie began babysitting for 5 families around her neighborhood. Babysitting made Valerie realize that she enjoyed working with children.
  • High school

    When Valerie entered high school she decided to take a child development class. She would spend time with toddlers and preschoolers at the library throughout high school.
  • High school

    In high school Valerie decide to pursue a degree in athletic training
  • High school

    Valerie was glad that she took time during her senior year in high school to become a certified nursing assistant.
  • College

    During college Valerie participated in intramural sports and used her fundraising experience to raise some money for juvenile athletic groups, something that she was very passionate about.
  • College

    This experience helped her organization and ability to work with people
  • Work life after college

    After Valerie completed her degree, she then began searching for jobs. Her experience for baby sitting being a lifeguard and CNA made her a perfect candidate for a position with an outstanding hospital. She then decided to pursue becoming a certified massage therapist.
  • Work life after college

    Valerie started a family and after her second child was born she decided to to go from full-time to part time work to stay and raise her children. Her massage therapy certification allowed her to have a flexible time schedule doing massages only two days a week. Fives years later both of her children are in school, Valerie can then go back to her full time job. She found an amazing job at a university sports team.