First job
Valerie's first job is baby sitting for five different families in her neighborhood. She has learned to work with small children. It's also her passion to work with kids. -
Community work
She works at the community pool and became certified in CPR and First aid. -
Period: to
Valerie's Human Capital Timeline
Her life starting from middle school all the way to adult hood. -
High school student organization
She joins a student organization enabling her to gain leadership skills and people skills. -
High school student organization
She joins a student organization where she learns leadership skills, people skills, and fundraising skills. -
Senior Year of high school
Valerie starts to purse a degree in athletic training. She takes nursing class and becomes a CNA (certified nurse assistant). -
Senior Year of high school
Valerie takes a nursing class her senior year and becomes a CNA (certified nursing assistant). -
Participated in intramural sports and used her fundraising skills to help support the foundation. -
During college Valerie participates participated in intramural sports. She uses her fundraising skills to help support the sports. -
After college
Valerie now with all her experience and skills become a nurse at a hospital. -
Her transfer skills
During Valerie's career path she has learned a couple of skills. Such as communication with people. As communication is important in personal and work environment. First aid is also a really nice skill to learn in case of emergencies anywhere.