Valerie's Human Capital Timeline

  • In middle school, Valerie began to babysit five families around the neighborhood.

  • In high school, she decided to take a child development class.

  • In high school Valerie joined a student organization where she created community service projects and fundraisers.

  • Throughout high school, she volunteered at the library for Story Hour.

  • During the summer, Valerie worked as a lifeguard

  • She learned how to do CPR and First Aid and became certified.

  • Valerie's experience helped her develop organization and ability to work with people. It also enhanced her leadership skills.

  • Valerie began training to become a certified massage therapist.

  • She attended trainings and decided to pursue a career in athletic training.

  • Valerie started a family and her job allowed her to have a flexible, part time schedule so she could still spend time with her family.