Valerie's human capital

By wpierce
  • Middle school

    Valerie began babysitting for five families around her neighborhood.
  • high school

    She joined child development class
  • high school

    She conducted "story hour" for toddlers and preschools once a month. She liked it so much that she continued to volunteer at the library
  • high school

    She worked as a lifeguard at her local community pool. Therefore she became certified in CPR and first aid
  • high school

    She joined an organization where she helped create community service projects and fundraisers.
  • After high school

    She decided to pursue a degree in athletic training
  • college

    she participated in intramural sports and used her fundraising experience to raise money for juvenile athletic foundations, a cause she was passionate about
  • after college

    she began searching for jobs. with all the skills she has and being certified in CNA she looked for jobs like that.
  • after college

    She started a family. after her second child she decided to go from full time working to part time working so she could have time with her kids.