Treaty of Versialles
It ended the war between Germany and allied powers. It was signed 5 years after the death of Franz ferdinand. -
Period: to
Rise Of Totalitariansim
Mussolini gains control
Benito Mussolini gains control in Italy. The people gave him demands. -
Benito was head of the fascist party. He was rebuilding the economy. He was the the dictator and named himself dulce. -
Stalin rose to power
Joseph stalin rose to power upon Lenins death. His red army helped defeat thee Nazi Germany. -
Hitler becomes fuhrer
Hitler takes charge once the president dies. Hitler had become fuhrer and the title of president abloshed. -
Hitler defies the Treaty of Versailles
The fuhrer went againts the Treaty of Versaiiles and started the begun to rebuild its military. -
Mussolini attacks Ethiopia
Invading Ethipia was to boost italian prestige. It was a plan to expand German territories. -
The Great Purge: Stalin
Stalin wanted more power so he started The Great Purge. He would kill anyone who was a threat to his power. -
Non-agression pact with Nazi Germany
They divided their territory and influence with Easter Europe. Which led to an invasion in Poland in September. -
Fascism in Germany
While Germany was under the Fascism government they had to pay reperations, admit to war guilt, limit its militarty, and give up territory. Germany was in economic crisis while Hitler was in control