
  • New York Smallpox

    A Massachusetts man defied an order to be vaccinated against smallpox despite the fact the dangerous disease, since it was deceased because of the vaccines, was spreading in Cambridge. The fight that continued between the Rev. Henning Jacobson and public health authorities became something that health powers have relied on since the Supreme Court handed down its ruling.
  • Jacobson v. Massachusetts

    Supreme Court upheld a states mandatory compulsory smallpox vaccination law over the challenge of a pastor who claimed that it violated his religious liberty rights. The Supreme Court ruled that the state of Massachusetts acted constitutionally within its police powers to pass a law to protect the health and safety of the public and that Jacobsons individual right must give way to the "common good".
  • States can mandate vaccines

    States can mandate vaccines and add criminal fines for those who don't agree. The state can impose these mandates to "protect the public health" even if it doesn't agree with individuals rights.
  • Bruesewitz v. Wyeth

    In 1992, newborn Hannah Bruesewitz received a diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT) vaccine from her pediatrician. Within 24 hours Hannah started to have seizures, with more than 100 occurring in a month. The first claim in court seeking recovery for Hannah's injuries was unsuccessful. The supreme court decided to review the case but the majority concluded that a defective design claim is barred by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act so Wyeth was not responsible for her injuries.
  • Vaccine Court

    The vaccine court has adjudicated more than 16,000 petitions and dismissed two-thirds of them. The court's website lists 195 lawyers nationwide who are willing to take vaccine cases.
  • Childhood Vaccines cause autism

    Many parents are now taking legal action, trying to prove that the vaccines are responsible for their children having autism. More than 5000 of these families have filed claims with the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.