early english colony formed by the virginia company of london.this was the first permant settlment in north america,later became virginia -
may flower compact
a document where they agreed to obey laws created for the general good.they pledge loyalty to god and the king -
Period: to
french and inian war
england fought againt the amsericans ,both countries wanted the land of west appalachian and cananda. -
treaty of paris 1763
england had won the war , which means they also won the land they were fighting for. -
proclamation of 1763
the war angered the colonist , england deicided to prohibit colonist from settling west of the appalachian. they did this because it costed to muh to protect the colonist from indian attacks -
stamp act
placed a tax on legal documents -
boston massacre
colonist and brtish soliders compreted over jobs. anti-british mob formed 5 colonist died -
boston tea party
england put rescriction on tea. colonist got mad and threw the tea overboard into the boston harbor -
Period: to
1st continental congress
meeting representive from all 13 colonies expect georgia . was held in philadephia -
lexigton and concord
british troops attacked a colonial weapons stockpile. was held in massachetts -
declaration of indepedence
issued by the continetal congressw , written by thomas jefferson -
2nd continential congress
created the continetal army , george washigton was general. -
Period: to
critical period
time period when the untied states was under the articles of confedration. -
articles of confedration
the 13 newly indeoendent states untied into one country.made this kind of goverment because they feared a goverment like englands. however the goverment was to weak to meet the needs of the country -
french general marqusde lafayetle devoloped a plan. the french navy blocked the exit of the cheapsake bay -
treaty of paris
untied states got boundries from alantic ocean to mississpi river -
land ordinance of 1785
this esabkished a plan for surveying the western lands . -
annapolis convention
only five representative showed up. conventions was created so they can dicuss issue of the interstae trade -
3/5th comprimise
slaves counted as 3/5th of a person ,. -
great comprimise
this was a comprimise to keep both large and small states happy. this created a 2-house congress consisting of a sentate and house of representives -
Period: to
constitional convention
held in phildiphia, and lead geogre washigton and james madison. -
northwest ordinace of 1787
the process for the creation and admission of new states -
bill of right signed
this is the first ten amendments written by james madison. this deal with laws and liberities -
judcary act of 1789
set-up a federal court system, creating a judical structure -
Period: to
washigton's presidency
was the first president , -
cotton gin
made by eli whinety made growing cotton profitable this incresed slavery -
Period: to
john adam's presidency
beat thomas jefferson, adam ordered american ships to attack french ships -
assimilation policy
plan under which indians would be forced to adopt american culture. late-1800's -
reservtion system
indians were forced to off their lands. forced onto smal,er reservation. -
Period: to
thomas jefferson's presdency
was a democratic , he beat john adams this time becasue the common man was able to vote -
marbury v. madison
john declared a law was unconstitional, this established the power of the judical review -
louisana purchase
bought by thomas jefferson from spain, this land doubled the united states -
Gibbson v. ogden
court was because the use of a steam bat monpoly, this case show cased the goverment's power of commerace -
war of 1812
britain kept interfering with american shipping . this made james madison call for war . -
mcCulloh v. maryland
john marshall upheld the federal goverment's right to establish a bank. -
Period: to
susan B anthony
born on feb.15, 1820. Was apart woman sufferage movement . -
missori comprimise
divided La purchase 30 ,36 north of the line was slave free and south was slave states. maine was ommited as a free state and missorri was ammitted as a slave state -
monoroe doctrine
warned europe about future cololization in america.Also warned eupre about interfering with any independent country in with hemisphere -
homestead act
signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln on May 20, 1862.anyone who never arms against the u.s. cou,ld get land for free -
chiense exclusion act
signed by President Chester A. Arthur. banned almost all chiense -
american federation of labor
founder is samuel gompers . was a craft union, which means it was only for skilled workers -
haymarket strike
knights or labors were the proster. tokk place in chicago . bombs went off -
dawes act
was intented to "americanize" native americans.Done by distrubiting reservation land to one indiviual owner -
knight of labor
founded by stevens .were the protestors in chicago in the hometesd strike -
sherman anti-trust act
prevented "any business struture that restrained trade" it was not sucessful. -
Period: to
36th president . was the fifth star general in the united state army -
homestead strike
battle between strikers and private security agents.bombs were set off . -
american railway union
founded by eugene V Debs. Were All railroad workers and skill and unskilled workers -
pullman strike
by pullman railroad workers.Strated nationwide railroad boycott -
treaty of paris
u.s. annexed puerto rico , guam,phillppines . cuba became free -
spanish american war
cubans rebelled againist spanish rule. u.s. had business with cuba -
open door policy
by secertay of state john may . goal was to end u.s. and european compertitiion . urged foregeiner to obey chiense law -
boxer rebbellion
by chiense "boxer"gosl was to remove forgein influence . it failed -
platt amendement
u.s. asserted the right to intervene in cuban affiar . this was a result of th panish american war -
roosevelt collary
TR added to the monroe doctrine.Remined europe not to interfer -
17th amendment
voters got the right to elect senators now.not state legislatures though. -
clayton anti-trust act
expands shermans anti trust act.This out laws price fixing -
federal trade comission act
creates FTC . Investigates business practices. -
panama canal
TR enocuage panama to break from colombia .. panama gave the u.s. rights to bulid the canal . costed 10 million dollars -
Period: to
35th president . was president during the great depression and during world war I and some of world wat II -
world war 1
ended on nov. 11 1918 . were still fighting trench war fare -
14 points
written by woodrow wilson .were neigotatiin point to prevent a second world war -
19 th amenment
gave woman the right to vote . woman began changing from this time on -
18th amendement
banned achcool..many still broke the laws ."bootleggers" and "speskeasies" -
treaty of versailies
punishment of germany..war gulit clause , couldnt have army , had to pay repartions.natinal bunderies were withdrwns. created a new nation -
19th amendment
gave women the right to vote.on august 18th 1920. -
immagration resctriction act
put a qute of how many immigrant could come from each country .Effect:basically ended immigration for serval decades -
scopes trail
TN teacher john scopes was trailed for teaching evolution. Trail sparked a nationak over eloution -
Period: to
herbert hoover
died on october 29,1964.Was president from a rugged indivuialism stand point.Many believed that he didnt do his job as president,despite the facts he didnt have much power -
black tuesday
the day the stock market crashed .stock market crashed due to over speculation,"buying the margin',and stock prices rising above theirb actual value. -
Period: to
Great depression
terrible times for the united states . many countries faced poverty after world war I , united states was one of them . -
harlem ranaissance
introduced jazz. explosion of africsn american cutlure -
dust bowl
servely bad drought in the great plains.this wasv av impoact of the greatv depression. -
Period: to
Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR)
elected in 1932 , hev surpassed herbert hoovers votes by far.franklin d. roosevelt is a democrat , he served four terms. two more terms then george washigton.when he was elcected he promised a new deal -
Period: to
new deal
FDR's programs to deal with the grest depression.there were three programs.(relief,recovery,and reform) -
promotes public cofindence in depositing money into banks -
low-rate copperate loans -
wagner Act
adressed relationships between union and workers -
social sercurity act
gave money to the disabled ,unepolyed , victims of industrial accidents and aided dependent mothers and childern -
fair labor stanards act
deals with fair wages and hours for the poeple -
war in europe begins
after world war I . many countrries in europe was in ruin . the war started when germany decideed to invade poland . -
non agredssion act
stalin and hitler agreed not to attaack eachother -
u.s. decleared war WWII
when the japanese attacked the pearl harbor on dec. 7 -
pearl harbor
surprize attack from the japanese which made the united state enter world war I -
us enters WWII
entered for msny reason . including th sinking of lustiania. also the zimmerman telegream . joined the allies side. -
germany invades russia
moved quickly at first . when winter settled in russia beat thetroop in stalingrad -
mircle of midway
u.s naval beat larger japanese force -
korematsu v U.S
all japanese american were sent to move into interment camps because fdr thought they may have somethingto do with the pearl harbor attck. -
d day
germany occupied france -
battle of the bulge
german offensive , allies recover soon -
allies overran germany -
hiroshima A-Bomb
was the first atomic bomb dropped , dropped on the japanese city hiroshima to end world war II -
nagasaki A-Bomb
1 of 2 atomic bomb dropped in history , dropped by president JFK to end world war II . dropped mainly because jfk didnt want to lose any more american soliders in combat and thought this was the only way to win -
numerberg trails
nazi officals were put on trailed for crimes againist humanity -
Period: to
cold war
feud between united state and souviet union that lasted more than 50 years , due to difference in econmic goverment structures -
selcetive service act WWII
required men to registerr for military service -
marshall plan
plan by the united states to aid european countries due to devastation effect of world war II -
Period: to
berlin airlift
united state was forced to fly iin supplies into berlin because the soviet union blockaded them -
Period: to
division of germany
germany was split into 4 zones after world war II . the country was split into two new countries ,west germany and east germany . west germany owned by soiuviet union . east germany owned the unioted states -
communist take over china
led by Mao Zedong . half of china was communist and the other half didn want to be . -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance -
Period: to
korean war
war between north korerea and south korea . the united states aided south korea through out the war because they wanted to be democratic. china and souviet union aided north korea because they were communist . the war ended in a stale mate -
american citizen that gave the souviet union atomic bomb secerts .we convicted and sentenced to death with very little evidence -
warsaw pact
defense treaty againist germany -
the first sattilite launched into space , it was launched by the soviet union -
great miggraion
many sfrican american moved up north .seeking poverty in northern induties -
U2 incident
american spy was shot down while spying on souviet union -
Period: to
cuban missile crisis
souviet union pllants missiles in cuba pointed to the united states . fdr ordered them to take down the missiles because it was scraed the citizens -
jfk assaination
murdered by lee harvey oswald shoot in the head next his wife while being driven -
bulid to keep people from west germany from going into east germany when soviet union owned west germany and made them communist