UTC history 2022 to 2023 12/27/23

  • Period: to

    the pre skirmish period

    no battles happened during this time it was a period of instability and new nations
  • Period: to

    the early days

    this was the formation of the government and some of it's first problems
  • boredom

    chase one day during lunch had sat there for the last couple of days bored as hell and then he offered en idea let's start a nation that decision would change everything
  • first president

  • conner joining the club

    this is when Conner Joeshia Voris joined he changed the face of the UTC from a ragtag group with chase and him would make a function government and would be a major player for the pre-skirmish period at the end of it he lost most of his political
    but would get it back in full
  • the first problem

  • national stuff

  • deisiding who was genrile

    there was a lot of debat but the two main people were conner and joe after a lot of debat mutuplie test it was deside to be conner by a close vote 5 to 6 now after this a time of war was near and we had to be ready
  • the TOA

    this is when tables of amarcia or as they are more comenly know TOA formed a government that would last to the end of the year to the UTC nolige but it still going to this day
  • the allince with the toa

    this is when we allied
  • the emc

    the emc
    this was the coantrey of emit hrudy the first it was called at first emits constitution monarchy ad latter change to lidera he would later become the gastset reason the first government fell
  • Period: to

    over population crises

    this was a period of massive growth in nuders but with this bread instability