Influenza Arrived in Utah
(A) Influenza is in Utah. Doctors meet and discuss what can be done in order to keep it from becoming an epidemic. It was most likely brought by a family who came from Wyoming to the State Fair. (B) Doctors knew the inevitability of the disease coming to Utah and did their best to prepare for the worst. They worked to inform the public on the best ways to avoid the disease and what to do if they developed symptoms of influenza. Source -
Spreading Continues
(A) Two more people died and 63 new cases are diagnosed in Salt Lake City. Private funerals are encouraged to keep the disease from spreading further as living family members can spread the disease. Eight nurses in Ogden are isolated due to contracting influenza. (B) Concern increased across the state as more and more people, including city officials and health professions, added to the number diagnosed with influenza. Source -
Outbreak in Cedar City
(A) Influenza spread to Cedar City after people attended a conference in Salt Lake City. All public gatherings canceled in Salt Lake City to keep the Spanish influenza from spreading further. All towns across the state are encouraged to do the same. (B) People became increasingly aware of the spread of influenza but some chose to continued to disregard rules and the infection spread further. Source -
Special Hospitals Open
(A) More people diagnosed with Spanish influenza and special hospitals open to help relief efforts. Health pamphlets are distributed by the Boy Scouts. More emergency measures and restrictions may come in the future to restrict the public from contact with infected persons. (B) Health officials did all they could to help those who were afflicted and asked those who were not to stay home. They did their best to contain the situation. Source -
Movies are Postponed until Further Notice
(A) Release on new movies is suspended across the nation until November 9. Many movie theaters across the nation have already shut down in order to keep people from adding to the stress of the health departments. (B) Influenza is causing a big strain on all parts of the economy. Shutting down is the only way for some companies to keep people from spreading the disease even further. Source -
Teachers Help Out
(A) School teachers begin to cook meals that will be carried throughout SLC by volunteer students to homes where people need it. Some teachers have even volunteered to be nurses where there is so much need and so little help. (B) More and more people across the state are beginning to volunteer their time to help those in their community any way they can. This seems contradictory as they also ask people to stay away from each other. Source -
Public Encourage to Help Again
(A) Throughout the state, people are continually being reminded and encouraged to follow guidance from the health board to keep the influenza from spreading. Everyone is encouraged to remain in public places no longer than necessary. Schools in some locations are closed but will reopened in the future. (B) The health board continued to issue statements to warn people and keep everyone healthy. People still disregard their efforts. Source -
Total Count: 20,000 Sick
(A) 138 towns across the state report sick citizens, totaling over 20,000 people. Draft registrants are unable to receive medical examinations as doctors are not able to leave their sick patients in order to conduct the examinations. (B) Concerns increase across the state as more and more people were reported as sick. Similar things must have occurred across the nation. Source -
Teachers Again Called to Help
(A) Teachers in SLC, out of work due to school cancellations. They are asked to work for as nurses in giving aid to those who are sick. However, only about 100 of the more than 600 teachers have volunteered to help. The newspaper calls out these "slackers" to do their duty and help those around them. (B) The public needs every person they can get to help, but those who did not volunteer must be afraid of becoming sick themselves. Source -
Placard Infected Homes
(A) All houses wherein an infected person resides must have a prominent placard in order to warn all passersby. Everyone within the household should to wear gauze masks to stop the infection from spreading further. Households may be quarantined if these rules are not followed. (B) The placards were instituted to warn all passersby of the dangers within. People must be aware of the dangers so they can take proper precautions. Source -
Influenza Began a Decline
(A) Hospitals have begun reporting few to no new cases and most patients are on the way to recovery. The ban on public assemblies is to be lifted as the possibility of becoming infected decreases. (B) As the number of deaths and the number of new cases decreases, hospitals could finally see the end of the epidemic. Precautions were still in place to keep the public safe until all were recovered. Source -
More Restrictions Placed on Stores
(A) Store hours are restricted to combat the spread of influenza in SLC. Most cities outside of SLC report low numbers of deaths and diagnosis. Restrictions continue in cities where new cases develop. (B) More restrictions are put into place as guidelines to prevent additional cases from developing. However, it seems that people continue to disregard suggestions. If these steps were followed, the epidemic would have ended sooner. Source -
Free Vaccines made Available
(A) After repeated instructions to the public on how to prevent spreading the disease, people continue to disregard information from the health department. To aid in the prevention, stations are set up to give a free vaccine to anyone who wishes to have one. (B) State officials continued to encourage the public and gave advice which people continued to ignore. This is the main reason for the continual the spread of the flu. Source -
Movie Houses Reopen
(A) Movie houses are scheduled to reopen after being closed for 10 or more weeks. During this time, renovations were completed to improve the buildings. Things are finally returning to normal as people return to work. (B) With the return of public meetings, citizens must have known that the worst of the epidemic was over. People were still sick, but the fear must have left. Source -
Schools Reopen
(A) Public schools scheduled to reopen with an extra hour each day to catch up on lost time. If students show excellent work, regular hours will be resumed in the spring. All influenza restrictions in SLC are now lifted and people are encouraged to return to normal activities. (B) Schools the last thing to return to normal, probably as teachers were still needed to act as nurses due to the still high numbers of infected persons. Source