Jamestown was founded on May 14th, 1607. It was named in honor of Queen Elizabeth. Jamestown was the first permanent settlement in North America, founded by the colonists. The colonists chose Jamestown as their first settlement because of a few factors including, surrounded by water, but inland enough to defend against the Spanish. “NPS.gov Homepage (U.S. National Park Service).” National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, www.nps.gov/. -
Thomas Paine was a passionate and often criticized author during the revolution. He is famous for writing "Common Sense". This pamphlet advocated independence from Great Britain. This took place January 1776. -
The constitution was written & signed in Philadelphia during the Constitutional Convention. George Washington & James Madison are both well known for contributions to the constitution.
George Washington served as president of the Constitution.
James Madison is known as the Father of the Constitution because many of his ideas created the outline for it.
Cesar Rodney from Delaware was a famous signer. He was frail & elderly but made a multi day trip to PA to be one of the first signers. -
New Nation
Louisiana Purchase was a land deal between USA & France. The US gained 828,000 square miles of land. This deal was to gain land west of the Mississippi River. -
Nationalism & Sectionalism
James Monroe was not only the Fourth president of the United States, he also wrote the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine warns European nations that the U.S will no longer tolerate colonization. -
Civil War
My 3x Great Grandfather, William Elliott Todd, was on the Civil war ship called the Harvest Moon. This ship was part of the North's effort to blockade the South, so the south couldn't get supplies. The ship's captain was Admiral Dahlgren. The ship eventually hit a confederate torpedo and sunk in South Carolina. My grandfather has letters that were written from his relative on board this ship.
THE USS HARVEST MOON - Homepage, www.bjpeters.com/HarvestMoon/. -
Gilded Age & Progressive Era
The Railroad Strike caused a lot of people to be out of a job. Some people were really effected by this because they weren’t able to provide for their families. For the people who ran the railroad, this was the 3rd time they had cut the wages of their workers in one year. This took place in Martinsburg, West Virginia. -
Emergence of Modern America
The N.A.A.C.P (National Advancement For The Advancement Of Colored People), was an orgnization that helped abolish slavery and gain civil rights for the African American community. W.E.B DuBois made this all happen, this took place in New York, NY. -
World War II
One of the most tragic and most traumatic events from WWII is the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler was the ruler of Nazi Germany during WWII & also murdered about 6 million Jewish men, women & children. They were put into Europe concentration camps and that’s how they were all murdered. -
Cold War
Joseph Stalin wad the Dictator of the Soviet Union, he transformed the Soviet Union from an peasant society to a industrial and military government. This took place in the USSR. Stalin ruled from the mid 1920's to 1953. -
Contemporary World
The Warsaw Pact was an act that passed by the Soviet Union to put the Soviet Union in command of all the armed forces.The Warsaw Pact was named because it was passed in Warsaw, Poland. This act got passed on May 14th,1955 -
Civil Rights
Martin Luther King played a major part in the Civil Rights era. During this era, The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, it got rid of segregation in public schools. On August 28th,1963 MLK gave his famous "I have a dream speech" in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. He is also well known for his peaceful protests and all of his speeches.