USSR + Western response 1933-41

By df3star
  • Stalin's change of policy

    -faced with political isolation
    -exclusion from Four Power Pact 1933 (Br, Fr, GEr + IT)
    -Japanese aggression a threat
    -COLLECTIVE SECURITY-ensuring peace by collaborating with other states + strengthening relations, while preparing to resist those against peace
  • Motives + Aims of West govs

    -rise of Nazism would change aims of countries who had been opposed to USSR since 1917
    -some keen to develop links w/ USSR to provide bulwark against Fascism
  • Membership of League of Nations

    -hoped it could be an effective body
    -denounced appeasement towards Germany as suicidal + urged League to act decisively to stop German aggression
    -stop appeasement
    -improve relations w/ West
  • Response of West govs to USSR

    -acceptance of League of Nations in 1934 of USSR-integrating into world community-ideological hostility lessened + replaced by pragmatism
    -mutual assistance pacts established w/ Fr, Czech + USSR-alliances against Fascist threat- Fr + Czech worry abt danger from Nazi Germany (Alsace Lorraine + Sudetenland)
    -Br w/ Conservative gov + separated by channel reluctant working w/ USSR
  • Alliances w/ France + Czechoslovakia

    -pursuit of collective security, Litvinov
    -mutual assistance pacts
    -USSR pledged to help Cz only if France also fought
    -hoped agreement would help deter Hitler from going to war
    -USSR believed pacts wouldn't hold, short term solution, not reliant on foreign powers to develop Red Army
  • Hitler's attitude towards the USSR

    -"all I do, I do against the Soviet Union"
    -ideological differences-believed Communism was Jewish-inspired and Jewish-led movement seeking world domination
    -Nazi movement to destroy "Jewish Bolshevism"
    -10 year Non-agression pact, Poland and Germany=strong security threat
    -Hitler's refusal to sign a mutual guarantee of frontiers as per requested by the USSR
    -Anti Comintern Pact 1936-Germany + Japan, later Italy-keep each other informed of the Comintern-led Stalin to collective security
  • Failure of League of Nations + Collective Security

    -little chance of success-EU's two most powerful states Br + Fr were not prepared to risk war to uphold principle-without their participation it wouldn't work
    -Britain was determined on their policy of appeasement, believing they could deal w/ Hitlers demands
    -League condemned Italian invasion of Abyssinia but gave 2/3rds of it to Musso to avoid confrontation
    -Br + Fr protested at German reoccupation of Rhineland-breach of TofV-but made no military moves-showed they didn't want collective secur
  • Different attitudes towards USSR from democratic states + right-wing

    -Mussolini sided w/ Hitler, but opposition to Communism not identical-not such a fervent anti-Semite
    -10 year Non-Aggression Pact w/ Poland + Germany-strong security threat to USSR west borders-compounded by Hitler's refusal to sign mutual guarantee of frontiers requested by USSR
    -German + Italian involvement in Span Civil War on Franco's side
    -Anti-Comintern Pact 1936- Germany, Japan + Italy-keep each other informed of Comintern activities-aimed at USSR, pushed Stalin to collective security
  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War: Impact on relations

    -successful outcome for Nationalists under Franco strengthened relationship between Hitler + Mussolini
    -Stalin regarded failure of Br + Fr to intervene in conflict as a further sign of weakness and lack of resolve
    -While USSR was on losing side, intervention delayed victory of Nationalists until March 1939 + received international prestige
  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War

    Reasons for involvement:
    -fears for security, concerned swift victory for Nationalists would boost Fascism, increase likelihood of Nazis attacking USSR-didn't want to jeopardise relations w/ BR + Fr=potential of anti-Communist pact w/ Br, Fr + Ger if Spain ended up Communist
    -didn't provide military aid until received gold=value of $500m, also received large quantity of raw materials
    -suppporting left-wing gov
    -chance to try new weapons
    -distract attention from purges
    -only country defending
  • Soviet reactions to Munich Agreement

    -Litvinov's collective security rejected by Britain
    -not offered a seat-Britain committed to appeasement
    -1939 Chamberlain British PM spoke of his profound distrust of Russia
    -formal alliance proposals rejected by Br + Fr
    -Litvinov dismissed May 1939
  • Appeasement policy of Br + Fr

    -League of Nations condemned Italian invasion of Abyssinia but gave 2/3rds to M to avoid confrontation
    -Br + Fr protested at German reoccupation of Rhineland (breach of TofV) but made no military moves
    -Chamberlain loathed war, Hitler "bully of Europe", wanted diplomatic resolution
    -Munich Agreement-Sudetenland given to Germany
    -Nazi takeover of Cz in March 1939-broken Munich, USSR alliance w/ Cz,Chamberlain still reluctant,distrusted Stalin, no desire to ally
    -Red Army lacked capacity
  • Soviet aid w/ Spanish Civil War

    -encouraging anti-Fascist popular fronts-support for Republican forces
    -aid was indirect + run through Comintern, Black Sea port of Odessa
    -650 planes, 400 tanks, 18,000 machine guns (antique w/ little ammunition)
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    -10 yr non-aggression pact which guaranteed USSR period of peace to strengthen Red Army-Great Purge of 1937-38, officers needed time
    -USSR would gain control of eastern Poland + sphere of inf in Baltic recognised by Ger(Bessarabia, Latvia, Lithu + Estonia), Br + Fr couldn't intervene
    -Impose Communism on EU, West + Nazis fight to a standstill, "EU is bled white"
    -Ger motives, ensured war not on two fronts,short term setting aside ideology for security
    -secret clause-dividing Poland between them
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact responses

    -Br-signed Polish-British Common Defence Pact 25 Aug to defend
    -Italy-Pact of Steel May 1939,commitment to support Ger even if they were first aggressors, M failed to honour agreement + remained neutral in 1939
    -Fr-co-operated closely w/ Br, declared war on Ger with Br
    -USA-remained neutral,sympathy for Br-Neutrality Act Nov 1939, provide Br military aid-Aug 1940 loaned 50 old destroyers, March 1941 Lend-Lease Act, 50 billion for countries in war against Axis powers, Br 31 billion dollars
  • Western Attitude to Nazi-Soviet Pact

    -Chamberlain under considerable pressure from Fr, press, Parliament + cabinet to establish closer relations w/ USSR
    -Lloyd George:"without the help of Russia...trap"
    -"bombshell in London", Chamberlain widely criticised for inability to securer agreement
    -Poland was implacably hostile to a deal w/ Stalin
    -what Hitler could offer USSR was much more tempting
    -war inevitable
  • Hitler invade Soviet Union

    -deeply hostile to Communism + Russian slavs considered inferior
    -futher Lebensraum for Ger
    -better to attack USSR before Red Army invaded Ger
    -knew of Japan's plan to attack USA-preventing Stalin being involved in Pacifc
    -initial reaction of Stalin-refused to speak-first week German forces overran USSR w/out effective leadership
    -turned to Br + USA for allies