USSR + West 1917-24

By df3star
  • Lenin's aims + methods

    -peace in WW1
    -survival/security of Communist state
    -spread World Revolution
    -Communist state isolated from rest of the world
    -pragmatist-twin track-combined revolutionary goals w/ pursuing diplomatic links w/ countries he sought to destroy
  • Isolation of the First Communist State

    -after October Revolution + Decree of Peace-USSR in isolated state-recurring theme over 20 years
    -surrender seen as betrayal by allies
    -murder of Tsar + family horrified nations of Western EU-anger compounded by seizure of all Western assests by new Communist gov
    -Lenin's commitment to WR
    -USSR outcast of EU
    -In Civil War-foreign armies helped Whites fight Reds
    -exclusion of peace conf at Versailles
    -exclusion from League of Nations
    -non recognition of USSR
  • Motives + Aims for West govs

    -deep hostility-ideological-evident in intervention of Civil War
    -"USSR strangled in the crib"-Churchil-due to WR
    -Wilson's 14 points-self determination-Lenin preached WR + ignored Russian foreign debts + nationalised all businesses in USSR,including those owned by foreigners-hostility
    -1921 + more prepared to accommodate USSR-no common Western response-differences from Br, Ger + USA
  • Period: to

    Civil war + foreign intervention

    -USSR vulnerable position
    -Whites=Br, Fr + USA + JP intervention, Br 100,000 rifles
    -no taste for communism
  • Decree of Peace

    -leaving war, rapidly deteriorating under threat from Ger, on brink of civil war
    -West saw surrender as betrayal, anger compounded by seizure of all Western assests by Communist gov + USSR not paying back reparations
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    -62 million people lost=16% of population
    -Estonia, Latvia + Lithuania independent republics
    -27% farm land, 26% railway lines, 74% iron ore + coal reserves
    -Georgia + Ukraine semi-independent govs
    -justified that they'd gain lands back on ideological grounds
    -hesitation caused Germans to advance further + more severe demands
    -"matierally exhausted" , "breathing space to recuperate", "shall renew the fight"
  • Reasons for foreign intervention in Civil War

    -30,000 Br + USA took control of ports Murmansk + Archangel
    -foreign forces remained on Russian soil after conclusion on WW1
    -Br troops in S Russia + Fr in Odessa- countries seeking independence like Poland, Czech + Romania
    -whites w/ 100,000 rifles from Br + 200,000 from US
    -West contributed little to no fighting + efforts not co-ordinated
    -1920 forces recalled-half-hearted
    -security fears prompted intervention
  • Comintern creation

    -spread world revolution, Zinoviev president
    -somewhat successful, Bela Kun uprising in Hungary + Spartacists in Berlin
    -appeal to workes of all countries to support Soviet regime by all available means, if necessary, revolutionary means
    -parties organised on Leninist principles of centralisation + discipline-Br + Sp demanded freedom-was denied
    -had to prepare for civil war
  • Response + methods from W govs

    -highly alarmed
    -worried Comintern + Communism would prove attractive to working classes after WW1 when there were poor economic conditions
    -ideological beliefs of Marzism were that Communist countries should aim to be self-sufficient-negative impact on trade
  • Russo-Polish War

    -paralell to civil war
    -Poland saw chaos as a chance to regain territory
    -Lenin chose to fight Poles after pushing them out of Russia-Red Bridge into Europe
    -failure to capture Warsaw- turning point to Twin Track approach and Peaceful Co-existence
    -harsh Treaty of Riga 1921
    -main aim to divide imperialist countries + prevent from forming capitalist bloc against USSR
  • Paris Peace conference

    -USSR not invited by West
  • Anglo-Soviet Trade Agreement

    -Conservative gov in Br turned Labour, more willing to work w/ Soviets
    -1924 Anglo-Soviet General Treaty + Commercial Agreement-never happened, £30m loan
    -West aims: isolate USSR, acting in self interests, Churchill : "strangle in the crib"
  • Influence of ideological + economic factors on Soviet Foreign Policy - TWIN TRACK

    -Lenin "propagation of revolution is victory"-revolution succeeded but wasn't finished + wanted worldwide revo
    -established Comintern + supported Comm revolts in Ger + Hung
    -1922-trade w/ capitalist countries necessary-countries being less aggressive + economic benefits
    -USSR needed trade-major shortages of supplies + weapons, shortages of raw meat + finished goods,underdeveloped railway-no cope,relied on peasants for farming,backwards way-fall in production + shortage of men, inflation ^ 200%
  • Economic trade agreements w/ USSR + Ger

    -Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement 1921
    -Anglo-Soviet General Treaty + Commercial Agreement 1924
    -support for Franco-Soviet economic co-operation 1922
  • Genoa Conference

    -first conference USSR + Ger accepted to
    -West offered credit + laons but rejected bc of settlement of Tsarist debts + restoration of Western Assests
    -USSR tried to develop relations to reduce isolation
  • Security Fears of USSR

    -fear of invasion-frontier NW + W 3200km+, lacked natural boundaries-fear of capitalist states-military aggression justified for 5 yr plans
    -economic backwardness-technological inferiority-need for W help
    -othordox Marxism need for revolution home + abroad-threatened West ideological differences -Comintern + foreign intervention in CW-mistrust
    -state of country at end of CW, power struggle to succeed Lenin, 5 yr plans + collectivisation
  • Influence of political/ideological/economic factors on W govs

    -huge amount of hostility from W govs towards USSR
    -Civil War + exclusion from Treaty of Versailles negotiations + diplomatic isolation illustrate hostility
    -USSR advocated different political system-government for people rather than democracy central, press subject to strict control
    -emphasis on state control + abolition of religion -sharp contrast to W
    -West remained suspicous
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    -secret treaty between Ger + USSR, pariahs of EU
    -German officers trained Red army in tank warfare + military aviation
    -Ger army able to train + experiment w/ weapons forbidden by TofV=tanks, aircraft + gas)
    -long term loans to USSR
    -USSR supplied markets for Ger heavy industry- 47% of Russian imports came from Ger
    -5 yrs neutrality
    -temporary good measure-both countries will become enemies-power hungry
  • League of Nations

    -denied and not allowed entrance
  • Degree of Success for W govs

    -tried to diplomatically isolate USSR
    -couldn't keep that policy, trade w/ USSR
  • Official Recognition

    -Br, It + Fr gave USSR official recognition