• German-Soviet Treaty

    German-Soviet Treaty
    The treaty is signed between Hitler and Stalin, agreeing not to attack each other. They also agree to share Poland. Though they think little of each other, the men decide to keep peace for the time being to benefit their countries.
  • Soviet Invasion of Poland

    Soviet Invasion of Poland
    The Soviet Army begins their invasion of Poland. They mainly attack near two cities. They are Vilnius and Bialystok.
  • Betrayed

    Germany breaks the Non-Agression Pact. They put Operation Barbarossa into action, invading Russia. It was the largest invasion in the history of warfare.
  • Leningrad Begins

    Leningrad Begins
    The biggest battle of the war began on this day. It lasted 900 days. Hundreds of people tried to escape across a frozen lake under German fire. 641,000 people died.
  • Stalingrad Begins

    Stalingrad Begins
    This date marked the beginning of the most major battle in the war. Stalingrad was the battle that finally threw Germany out of the running in the war. Russia was finally winning the battle.
  • Stalingrad Ends

    Stalingrad Ends
    This marked the end of the main Russian/ German battle. The Russians ended un crushing Germany. The German forces never recovered from this loss.
  • Leningrad Ends

    Leningrad Ends
    This is the day that the biggest battle of the war ended. Thousands of people died during these twop years. Though both sides fought viciously, the Russians took the victory.
  • Capture of Berlin

    Capture of Berlin
    This was teh final battle against Germany. They were finally losing their war. Hitler took his life on the day of Germany's surrender.
  • Potsdam Conference Starts

    Potsdam Conference Starts
    This conference was to decide the terms for the end of World War 2. They did not want to have another Treaty of Versailles on their hands. Because of this, they had to be very careful in their dealing.
  • Potsdam Conference is Completed

    Potsdam Conference is Completed
    The conference finally comes to a finish. The Germans, of course, took the hit for almost everything. Many countries that had been reinstated by the conference had the Germans on their land deported.