
  • Sep 20, 1519

    Magellan Sets off 'Round the World

    Magellan Sets off 'Round the World
    Magellan Sets off From Spain to go Around the World
  • Jun 29, 1520

    Moctezuma Falls

    Moctezuma Falls
    Moctezuma is killed by the Spanish in Tenochtitlan
  • Jul 26, 1533

    Atahualpa's people are Lied To

    Atahualpa's people are Lied To
    Pizarro promises to relese Atahualpa if his people fill a room with gold. When they did, Pizarro kills Atahualpa and leaves the Incas in a confusion.
  • Apr 22, 1540

    Coronado Tries to Find Cibola

    Coronado tries to find Cibola(a city made by Saints), but fails even when the natives tell him exactly where to go. Maybe the Natives were lying.
  • Apr 30, 1562

    Two Small Ships with 150 French Land in Florida

    These people land in Florida to secure gold and silver for the French from Spanish Galleon.
  • England First PROPER Colony

    John white leads the Third Sir.Raleigh financed voyage to Roanoke Island. Roanoke also becomes Englands first PROPER colony (with women and children and everything)
  • John White Finds Roanoke Abandoned

    John White find Roanoke abandoned. Nobody is there. The only thing is a carved message that says 'CRO'
  • Jamestown Founded

    Three ships sent by the London Company land at Cape Henry, Virgina. Capt. John Smith and others found James Town.
  • Henry Hudson Sails Up the Hudson River

    Henry Hudson sails up the Hudson River
  • The 'Starving Time' Begins in Jamestown

    The 'Starving Time' Begins
  • The 'Starving Time' Ends

    The 'Starving Time' in Jamestown comes to an end, with only 60 of the original 500 surviving.
  • The First African Slaves Arrive in Virginia

    The first african slaves arrive in Virginia, and the first representative government of the European colonies begins with Virginia's House of Bergesses
  • The Pilgrims sail from England to Cape Cod on the Mayflower

    The Pilgrims sail from England to Cape Cod on the Mayflower. They make a plan of government called the Mayflower Compact.
  • Massasoit Establishes Peace With the Pilgrims

    Massasoit, leader of the Wampanoag Indians, established peace with the Pilgrims
  • The First School in the Colonies

    The first school in the North American Colonies is founded in Amsterdam.
  • King Charles the I of England is beheaded

    King Charles the I is beheaded. Parlament Rules.
  • Charles II restored to the English throne

    Charles II restored to the English throne. Mary Dyer hung in Massachusetts
  • England's Glorious Revolution

    England's 'Glorious Revolution'; King James the II is disposed
  • N. Carolinians rebel against English Taxes

    North Carolinians rebel against English Taxes
  • Pueblo Indians Drive Spaniards From Santa Fe

    Pueblo Indians, led by Pope attach the Spaniards and drive them out of Santa Fe
  • William Penn Founds Pennsylvania

    William Penn founds Pennsylvania
  • Witchcraft Trials are Held in Salem

    Witchcraft trials begin in Salem
  • Williamsberg becomes the capital of Virginia

  • Benjamin Franklin is Born in Boston

    Benjamin Franklin is born in Boston
  • John Peter is Aquitted of Libel

    John Peter is aquitted of libel for printing criticism of New York's British govonor.
  • Jenkin's Ear is Cut Off by the Spanish

  • The Great Awakening Begins

    The Great Awakening, a religeous revival, begins.
  • Col. George Washington and 150 Virginians Defeat a Group of French

    Col. Washington and 150 Virginians defeat a group of French in an exploratory party in Pennsylvania at the start of the French and Indian war.
  • The Colonies Reject the Albany Plan

    The Colonies reject the 'Albany Plan'
  • G.Braddock's British Troops are Defeated by French and Indians

    G.Braddock's British Troops are Defeated by French and Indians
  • William Johnson and Hendrick defeat the French at Lake George

  • The Acadians Refuse to Swear Loyalty to Britain

    The Acadians refuse to swear loyalty to Britain and are expelled from Nova Scotia
  • The British are Victorious at Quebec

    The British are victorious at Quebec
  • The War in America is Won by the British

    America is won by the british/Johnson adn G.Amherst capture Montreal.
  • George III Becomes the King of England

    George the III becomes King of England
  • The 'Treaty of Paris' Ends the 'Seven Years War'

    The 'Treaty of Paris' ends the 'Seven Years War'
  • The Proclomation of 1763 is created

    The 'Proclomation of 1763' forbids American colonists from settleing west of the Appalachans
  • The Stamp Act Forces the Colonists to Pay Taxes on Printed Items

    The Stamp Act forces the Colonists to pay taxes on printed matter
  • The Sons of Liberty Band Together Against the Stamp Act

    The Sons of Liberty band together against the Stamp Act
  • Parlament Repeals the Stamp Act

    Parlament Repeals the Stamp Act
  • Parlament passes the Townshend acts for tea and stuff

    Parlament passes the Townshend acts for tea and stuff
  • Five Americans are Killed in the Boston Massacre

    Five Americans are killed in the Boston Massacre
  • Britain Blockades the Boston Harbor

    Britain Blockaids the Boston Harbor Because of the Tea Party Issue
  • The Boston Tea Party Throws Tea into Boston Harbor

    The Boston Tea Party throws a bunch of tea into Boston Harbor
  • Britain Stops Blockaiding the Boston Harbor

    Britain Stops Blockaiding the Boston Harbor
  • The First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia

    The First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia to Protest and Petition George III
  • The Battles of Lexington and Concord

    The Battles of Lexington and Concord
  • The Second Continental Congress Meets in Philidelphia

    The Second Continental Congress Meets in Philidelphia and names G.Washington Commander in Chief of the American Forces
  • Pa

    Patriots under Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold take Fort Ticonderoga
  • Britain Declaires War on America

    Britain Declaires War on America
  • The battles of Breed's and Bunker hills in Boston

    The battles of Breed's and Bunker hills in Boston
  • Tom Paine Publishes 'Common Sence'

    Tom Paine Publishes 'Common Sence'
  • The Declaration of Independance

    The Declaration of Independance is signed