
Useful Items

By TrueMVP
  • WiFi

    Very important in our day and age. Many people rely on it.
  • Gaming Devices

    Gaming Devices
    Many consoles were made one of the biggest hits was Pong.
  • High Speed Internet

    High Speed Internet
    Use by Government for private government uses
  • Smart technologies

    Smart technologies
    Interesting items today are mostly smart items
  • Online Shopping

    Very useful many people prefer Amazon
  • Internet Acess

    Internet Acess
    Use by a wider audience only came in 1995 when restrictions on the use of the Internet to carry commercial traffic were lifted.
  • Social Networking

    Social Networking
    Made a huge diffrence in the world that we know today
  • Blue Tooth

    Blue Tooth
    Was A great idea that turned into an even better product.
  • Storage Devices

    Storage Devices
    Make having music or pictures easy because it wont clutter you computer
  • Search Engines

    Search Engines
    Google is the most popular engine
  • Online Gaming

    Online Gaming
    Online gaming is huge group area now adays due to the younger generation
  • Facebook

    Made and founded by Mike Zuckerberg. Not my favorite social media.
  • YouTube

    Amazing may people get to do this as a living to make money
  • Media

    Facebook started many new social media sites to start poping up all over the web such as Twitter
  • Tumblr

    Share things with your friends
  • Cloud

    Was a concept thought of way back in the 1950's
  • Pintrest

    Useful for sharing things with other people
  • Instagram

    Lots of pictures very interesting site
  • Vine

    Lets you talk to your work members or friends through email or calls
  • Web 2.0

    Web 2.0
    Makes sharing a website very easy. Can share to social media sites